Chapter 10

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I glare at the blue eyed blond haired guy as I try to catch my breath. He’s standing a few feet away from me, clutching his stomach with his left hand, his other hand resting on his right knee and he’s slightly bent over.

“I’m so so so sorry” he says still huffing as looks at me.

Without a word I get up from the bench I was seated on and start walking away.

“Veronica?” I hear Niall call me but I continue walking.

“Where are you going?” I hear him again as I feel him following me.

“Hey.. Hey.. I said I’m sorry” he grabs my wrist in an attempt to make me stop.

“I just realized how stupid I have been. I don’t even know you and I agreed to come with you. You told me that boat was your friend’s.. we could get in some real trouble Niall..” I state calmly staring at him.

“Ok so I lied once” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair and sighs.

“Once? What about the Jared Horan bit? I just met you today, I don’t even know you.. And you are already lying.. I mean why.. I fail to understand.. I don’t even know how much of whatever you told me is true.. If you are even a writer…I seriously doubt that now..” I speak getting irritated.

“But..”Niall starts to say.

It’s too late to apologize

It’s too late……

I said it’s too late to apologize..

It’s too late….

This is the third time today that my stupid phone has rung at the wrong time! It rings loudly and acts like background music to my situation. I roll my eyes as I fish for my cell in my bag and by the time I find it there is a miss call waiting for me from my sister.

“I gotta go.” I pull my hand out of his grasp and walk away without waiting for his reply.


I unlock the front door and get inside my house. I start to make my way to my room when I see the kitchen light on. I walk into the kitchen intending to switch off the light when I see Natasha seated on a chair by the dining table.

“Hey” I greet her.

“Hi” she responds.

I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water.

“Where were you?” she questions.

“With friends” I curtly reply as I grab a glass from the counter and start to pour water in it.

“Do you realize what time it is?” she continues questioning.

I down the water as I look at her without responding.

“It’s 10.30 Veronica. You return home by 7pm max” she states firmly.

“I know I come by 7 but I told you I was with friends, we were just hanging out so what’s the big deal! You seriously need to chill” I snap at her.

She doesn’t say anything further as she looks away. I stomp back to my room with the bottle of water. I’m not normally that rude, but that incident with Niall has really irritated me. And ok I became late today, but why is Natasha acting all crazy about it. When did she start caring so much!

I remove my sneakers, shove my bag in some corner and jump into bed. I plug in my earplugs trying to tune out everything. I drift asleep listening to Parachute singing Hurricane.


A/n : Hey guys really sorry for the long delay but the thing is that I was in a long vacation. :P


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