Chapter 11

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“I really won’t be able to make it. This whole week has been so demanding and the next week too will be the same as the annual day is coming up so we all have to prepare for that. Plus the mid terms will be soon after so we need to prepare the question papers and stuff” comes the voice from the other end of my phone.

“Okayyyyyy” I drawl as I try my best to keep my phone on my ear using my right shoulder to support it, as Jace is holding my right hand. With my left hand I’m holding Caspar’s leash.

Jace wanted to go to the park and since Natasha was working today even though it was Saturday and I had a half-day at work I was the one who ended up taking him. And as we were getting into my car, my neighbor Mrs.Sparks requested me to take her Labrador Caspar for a walk. And because I’m oh so nice I agreed.

“But you guys have fun ok! Enjoy yourselves” Natasha says happily trying to cheer me up.

“Sure” I say as the call ends.

“Hey Rica.. I wanna go play” Jace says tugging me towards the play area lined with swings and slides. There was even a sand pit out there but I’m guessing from the amount of dogs coming here it’d be anything but clean.

“Go ahead Jace.. but be careful” I instruct him as he drops my hand and runs to the swing set.

As I walk with Caspar to a nearby bench I suddenly notice the familiar mop of blonde hair.

“Niall” I automatically call out as I see the boy seated on a bench all by himself. He’s looking in the distance observing the kids playing and whips his head as soon as he hears my voice.

“Veronica?” Niall says surprised.

“Hi” I greet him still standing there. I feel Caspar tugging at the leash.

“Hello……Uh.. Nice dog” he responds as he looks down at Caspar.

“Uh.. Yeah.. he’s my neighbour’s..” I say as I bent down to unhook the dog from the leash. No sooner do I do that than the dog runs to Niall wagging his tail and jumping on him. Niall laughs as he pats the dog.

“You like dogs?” I smile as I take a seat beside him.

“Yeah .. had one when I was eight. Mitch.” He says still playing with the dog.

“Hmm..” I vaguely respond observing them both.

“What are you doing here?” he questions as Caspar gets distracted by another dog and runs behind him.

“Taking a survey of how many people visit the park in a day” I mock and he snickers.

“My nephew wanted to come here.. The one is the blue shirt and jeans..” I nod towards Jace who’s sliding down the slide.

“And as I was leaving , Mrs.Sparks asked me to take her dog along too” I conclude as I notice Caspar playing with another lab.

“Oh” is all Niall says.

“Hey Veronica….” Niall turns to me as a look of contemplation takes over his face.

“Uh…yeah?” I turn to face him completely.

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