3 || the plan || r, f

179 10 25

private messages: rog, freedie

rog: fred

rog: fred


freedie: whAT

rog: ok so can i tell you something

freedie: ofc darling

rog: you won't judge me?

freedie: nope

rog: ok so i like brian and i wasn't actually drunk, i was just faking it so i could call him darling and see how he reacts and then i messaged him and i told him i wasn't actually drunk and that i just wanted to say something i actually mean without others judging me for it and he is so oblivious and he doesn't understand and aaksjshdhiwksk

freedie: i had an aneurysm reading that.

rog: halp me tho

freedie: hOw cAn i hElp iF mY ArTEriEs bUrST

rog: i DOn't cARe abOuT yOUr bLooD vEssEls, fRed!

freedie: okay fr tho that's a bad situation

rog: nO ShiT, SherLoCk!

freedie: you want me to talk to him?

rog: FrEdDiE nO!

freedie: FREDDIE YES!

rog: no no no no no no no!

freedie: oh, mama mia!


freedie: okay okay sorry!

rog: we need a plan

freedie: okay but what kind of plan

rog: welp

rog: that's exactly the problem

freedie: okay so how about you drop subtle hints and pickup lines and all that jazz?

rog: okay we can try

rog: but there's a problem

freedie: what?

rog: brian is kinda dumb at noticing obvious things

freedie: yikes.

rog: whatever i'm gonna do it anyway

freedie: good luck darling!

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