Ketchup Anyone?

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"Night Erica." Ben called from the top bunk, it creaked as he shifted to his side. I closed my eyes remembering the our first mission together. I wish I could go back...

"Night." I responded but I had no intentions of sleeping. First things first I had a bit of recon to do. Now I just need to wait.


I heard Ben's loud snores and seemed like it was time. I gently rolled out of bed and tiptoed down the hall, the stone floor freezing my feet. It didn't take long to find what I was looking for. I heard soft whispers, a soft voice and a much gruffer.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It'll heal no problem." Sophie whispered and upon peaking she had her hand on her bare stomach (Just a tip of advice, eat carrots they help your eyesight. Oh, fun fact time blue eyes can see better in the dark, okay I'm done). Julia must have grimaced because Sophie quickly apologized and moved her hand. A light switch on and their faces became bathed in light.

"Damn Erica, for gutting me." Julia grunted frowning as she looked off to the wall. From here I could see the anger in her eyes, they swirled with emotion. Her body tense and ready, from the pain or anger. I didn't realize my pocket knife did as much damage as it did.

"Yeah, that was a pretty stupid move." Sophie reassured looking at her friend. Sophie wore a cross country shirt, which made sense considering her body type.

Sophie's face suddenly turned red as she reached out grasping Julia's chin. She twisted her chin so her face faced Sophie's. I felt pretty weird watching them, I could hear Julia's breath hiccup.

This is almost like some dumb romance movie. Not that I ever watched those...

"Don't let her see your pain, you've been through so much to back down." Sophie whispered her voice barely audible. I watched from the shadows their eyes studying each other's. Their faces slowly inched forward until they stopped, foreheads pressed against one another's. I felt awkward standing here interrupting their moment, I slowly tiptoed away. I left with more questions than answers. Who is this mysterious girl and where did she come from.


This is strange, different, and totally not like me. Writing words on paper instead of yelling them, like I said it's not like me. Regardless, I'll still do it, I have a story, as does everyone, I however will share mine.

"Let's go sunshine. We have a big day." A deep but yet soothing voice called. A feeling of trust washed over me like waves.

I was set in the car seat, my little feet dangling. My father drove our Honda CR-V with ease complaining about the traffic. Oklahoma City was bustling this chilly April morning. My father was a Federal Agent who worked with drugs and the restrictions regarding them. I don't know much about him, because well you'll figure it out.

My father worked at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, and everyday I went to the daycare inside. My mother disappeared one night and it was just me and my old man.

From the back, I could see his brown eyebrows crease in confusion. A Ryder truck had pulled into the parking lot. When we parked and he unfastened me, a man walked out. A small smile splayed on his lips. His hair buzzed short like my dads, but he walked away from the building.

As soon as we stepped inside an earth shattering eruption blasted through the building. April 19th, 9:05 am the day Timothy McVeigh showed his hatred.

I felt myself get projected forward glass and metals burying themselves into my skin. My vision swimming as I slowly closed my eyes, embracing death like an old friend.


I wanted to leave, I had a sudden yearn to just leave these crazies. Living inside a cave right under our enemies noses? Not my kind of life, but Erica's still here and I can't leave.

I shifted on my bunk the springs squeaked underneath me. I tried to close my eyes and sleep but it felt impossible. I counted sheep and that still didn't work. I tossed and turned constantly my mind swirling with ideas. Different escape plans that would make Cyrus proud.

As I layed there plundering my life decisions a spring creaked. The creak was then followed by a soft curse as the person settled back down.

"Erica?" I whispered my voice soft almost impossible to hear, but I knew Erica's hearing capabilities.

"Yeah?" Her voice almost quieter than mine. I couldn't help but smile among hearing it. I don't ask any other questions, as I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

"Let's go! Let's go!" A female voice shouted as a deep thundering bang followed her voice. I groaned peeking open my eyes to see a girl with glasses, Kennedy. She winked at me as she moved onto the next unfortunate victims of her hate crime.

"Ughh I thought the end of the world meant not getting up early." I groaned as I shifted on my bunk. It squeaked underneath me, and I lay for a couple seconds expecting Erica to quip back.

"Erica?" I asked as I moved my body to peek over my bunk. The familiar shape of her body wasn't there, but instead a made up bed was. The sheets didn't have a single wrinkle, and the pillows were fluffed to perfection.

"Damn you." I groaned slipping out of the bunk not thinking I'm a couple feet up. I managed to let out a meek cry as I tumbled to the ground landing on my butt. Just a healthy reminder, concrete hurts, especially on your booty.

After my embarrassing fall I picked myself back up with a sigh. When I walked over to my locker I found a pair of camouflage stealth pants and a brown compression shirt.

I yanked off my ratty t-shirt from the day before, and threw it onto my bunk.

"Hey, are you..." A voice asked but then quickly stopped as soon as it started. I faced the doorway and a red faced Kennedy stared back at me. "Ya. Ya, you're awake okay." She quickly noted I smiled back as I pulled the compression shirt on. This is going to be a rather interesting day.

As soon as I walked into the dinning room I instantly searched for Erica. She sat munching on some eggs, an open spot next to her. Kennedy looked up at me and her face instantly turned beet red. The handsome faced kid with a British accent frowned at me. I stuck my tongue out as him as I sat next to Erica. As you can see I'm very mature... totally

"Where were you?" I whispered as I glared at her bright blue eyes. Her black hair was brushed back into a ponytail and her clothes matched mine.

"Not sleeping in." She responded, skewering an egg hunk so hard she cracked the plate. I frowned and crossed my arms, but my mood changed when the cook, Paul, set a full plate in front of me.

"Do you guys have ketchup?" I asked nobody in particular. Everyone gave me a bone chilling stare and Simon muttered "who puts ketchup on eggs?" Even little David mocked a finger gun at me and pulled the trigger. What a great way to start off the day, being killed by a 6 year old.

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