"Jace, Jace Herondale"

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Clary stepped into the bar and sat down ordering a drink. "Scotch, dry, with lime" she said to the bartender and paid her drink. She took a sip of the beverage she loved so much, she always took it like this and they had yet to fail her. It was always just as good. Clary found herself often in this same bar, her favourite one, but there were always new people. Tonight especially, amongst the young drunk shadowhunters she found herself staring at a young handsome man sitting at a table all by himself across the room. She had a smooth smirk on her face and continued to study his features until his angelic eyes met her emerald green ones. He matched her smirk with a wink and a soft smile. She chuckled lightly, and although she knew he couldn't hear her do that she saw his eyes spark for a moment. Clary sighed before getting up and walking over to the man. "May I join you?" she asked politely,still that smug expression on her face. "it would be my pleasure miss.." he looked at her for a moment "Clary, Clary Fray" she said sitting down and taking another sip of her drink. "And you are?" she asked in a soft, but intrigued tone. He chuckled softly "Jace Herondale, it's a pleasure.. Clary" he said it in a voice that sent an electric shiver down Clarys spine. There was something about Jace that drew her towards him. "You're not from around here, are you? At Least I've never seen you at the NYC institute" She said with a soft laugh at the end. "I just transferred, I'm guessing I'll be seeing more of you then Clary Fray" he smiled "I guess so" Clary teased while lightly biting her lip.

//authors note, sorry this is so short, it's my first fic I'm publishing!!

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