"Wait- you two have a brother??"

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Clary made her way down to where everybody else was. She gave a confident smile to Izzy, Alec, Magnus, Simon and- Jace??? She stopped and stared at him for a moment. Clary shook her head in amusement and pinched the bridge of her nose. "So, what's in store for today?" She asked looking at everyone. She shifted closer to Jace and whispered into his ear while Izzy was explaining something. "I didn't think I'd see you this soon" Clary said jokingly. "I did say I'd be seeing you around" he teased her. "Hey!" Izzy snapped her fingers in front of Clarys face, "You two, pay attention" she said with a sassy tone. Clary chuckled, "What's so funny?" Izzy said with a cool expression "You sound like a mother of two demons" Clary bursted into laughter. Izzy sighed with Amusement, "Clary, This is Jace by the way, Jace Herondale" Izzy introduced, "He's Our adoptive brother" Izzy said pointing at her and Alec. "Wait- you two have a brother?? How come you never said anything" Clary asked. "OK, first of all I'm right here, second of all, we just lost touch" Jace said, giving his siblings a soft smile.

Clary was trying to wrap her head around all of that, but her thoughts were interrupted by Izzy waving her hand in Clarys face "Earth to Clary?? Clary-" she said snapping her fingers. "Mh? Yeah, what it is??" Clary snapped back to reality and started hearing the alert from the screen in front of them. Izzy groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose "A demon attack, pay attention" Izzy said with a tired, but light tone. "Right, we should get going" Clary said and they all headed out of the institute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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