"It's Jace, Incase You Forget By Morning"

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Clary woke up In her bed at the institute, she sighed as a beam of sunlight came through her curtains onto her face. She could vaguely remember using a rune to stop the drunk feeling before entering the institute, but what about the man? Jace, that was his name, Jace Herondale. Clary grinned remembering the conversation they had, but did something happen between them? No, at least Clary didn't think so. Suddenly, she started remembering her night.


"I- uh" Clary chuckled "I have to get going, but like you said, we'll be seeing each other around" she smiled and got up. Before she had the chance to leave Jace slipped a piece of paper into the back pocket of her black jeans. "What's this?" Clary asked looking at him in amusement. "You'll find out" Jace said softly before waving Clary Goodbye, for now.

Clary jumped up and looked at the floor where she had left her jeans and top, switching into her current white shirt and shorts. She picked them up and reached into the pocket. Pulling the paper out carefully, she opened it with a curious expression. She sighed seeing a number on the paper with the words "It's Jace, incase you forget by morning". Clary let out a small giggle before placing the paper on her bedside table and cleaning up.

//authors note, I'll start making these longer soon <3

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