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Back my lovelys!


I look up and saw todo-kun crying why is he crying?!

"Todo-kun what happen? Why are you crying?!" I look at him worried... 

He didn't answer me...

Why didn't he answer me?

Does he hate me?

If he does...


I fell down to my knees and i was crying too while he was too

"Todo-kun please answer me!" I went up to him and look him in the face.

"PLEASE ANSWER ME TODO-KUN PLEASE!" I shake his arm so much I thought it might get a burn or something but he still didn't answer me! WHY!

I saw all my other friends come in here and I ran up to them and tell them "Todo-kun isn't answering me!" I look at all of them while crying but none of them heard me or none of them saw me...

I watch them pass by me and I said to them while crying "Is this a joke?! Are you trying to hurt me because I killed him?!" I cried and cried and none of them answer me.

I ran up to my bedroom and layed there and I let my tears wash me to sleep. But what I didn't know is that im dead... Fully dead....

How did this happen?

Who killed me again?

Why did they kill me again?


Out of all the other people why me?!

Was because I did something wrong?



Give me an answer please...

I just want to see him again....please.

I woke up up to the sound of little kids playing I look around and saw todoroki-kun. He was smiling but he never smiles unless he is with me? But then I saw me?! How is that...? I-i.

Tears filled up my eyes and what I didn't know is that I was in a "nightmare ball"

or people like to call it "Nightmare" Disorder (which is a real disorder cause I have it)

I look around and saw death and it said "Αυτός που με είδε, έχει φύγει, αλλά αυτός που δεν με βλέπει είναι τυφλός." 

I didn't know what they were talking about or even saying...

All I know is that I need to get back alive...

And fast...

Hello lovelys sorry for being gone for so long anyways! You all are probrly wondering what death was saying and I will give you a translation not from google cause i made this one up so its mine. Anyways it means "He who see me, is gone, He who doesn't see me, is blind." okay and that was made by me okay ME!!! So here you lovelys go and see ya later!

#badspelling lol

Word count: 425

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