Two: Owen/ Jake

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Dropping my sunglasses over my eyes, I blew a large bubble while watching a batter walk up to home plate. The guy took a few practice swings before he took his stance, Quinn ready behind the plate. When the batter swung it out into my section of the field, I grabbed it before throwing it to Jake at second. He easily made the out and turned around with a large smile, giving me an air high five. I couldn't help but smile while giving him the high five back.

I had been immediately drawn to Jake the moment I saw him at our baseball meetup. His shaggy blonde hair and bright blue eyes really seemed to light up a room. He looked pretty nervous, taking it upon myself to introduce myself. He was extremely nice and also very humble, a truly refreshing person to be around. Him, Quinn and Pika were the friends I always wanted, and was happy I found so early into college.

When the game was finally over, I wiped my sweaty face with my sleeve before jogging towards the rest of my teammates. Jake waited for me, his blue eyes twinkling as I got closer. Guys had never made me feel any kind of way, ever. I was known as a player I guess, honestly I just liked sex. I wasn't into relationships but was into women. Which was why my body reacting to Jake was weird. At first I thought it was just friendly, but he makes me feel so strange sometimes.

"Great game," he said while smiling up at me. "I'm ready to collapse now."

Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, I steered him towards the locker room. "I'm excited to shower, I probably smell."

"You do."

We both laughed when I playfully shoved him as we walked into the room. I immediately walked over to Quinn and Pika, taking my shirt off. "I'm kind of glad we don't have any more games this weekend," Pika suddenly said as I grabbed a towel. "I have a paper I need to write."

Quinn rolled his eyes, smiling at his best friend. "Nerd."

They started bickering back and forth, something that was always funny to watch. "Well can the paper wait one night? You guys can come over tonight. Jake's staying with me for the weekend."

Quinn's green eyes were instantly looking over at me, before he looked towards the back of the room. I knew he was probably looking to where Jake was, since he was the only one who showered in the back. When his eyes looked back at me I felt nervous for some reason.

"Sure," Pika said as he yawned. "You in Quinn?"


With that I walked towards a shower and started to rinse off my sweaty body. By the time I was done, Jake was all dressed and sitting with our other two friends. He briefly glanced up at me but immediately looked away as I slid some clothes on.

After talking to other teammates and our Coach, we made a quick stop by the cafeteria. After we ate many many plates of food, we finally made it back to my room. Flopping down onto my bed, I sighed while running a hand over my tired face. I noticed Quinn and Pika flop down onto Pat's bed, quietly talking with each other. When Jake suddenly stopped and looked between the beds, I gave a large pat next to my body. He instantly walked over and sat down next to me, immediately wrapping himself in a blanket. Him and Quinn were always so cold it was crazy.

"Want to play some games or watch a movie?" I asked while running a hand over my face.

"I'm fine with whatever," Pika said as Quinn agreed.

I looked over to my right at Jake, who was staring blankly into space. Frowning, I nudged his shoulder with mine before those blue eyes looked up at me. I hated seeing him so upset about Elise and Brandon. How could his former best friend hook up with his ex? Had he never heard of bro code before? I'd catch him staring off into space, or not really paying attention at meals. What I'd love to do to that Brandon if I ever met him. That's why I tried to make sure he was happy, and ordered things like breadsticks which I knew he loved.

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