Six: Owen/ Jake

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I forced myself to keep taking deep breaths while driving down the road towards my house. The moment Jake had called me, I sensed something was off. Hearing his broken and defeated voice had made me instantly drop everything and go to him. I glanced over at his sleeping body next to me, frowning at all the bruises over his face. There were also bruises on his arms, one of his arms pretty red. It disgusted me that someone would have hurt him and also disgusted me that I thought his parents were the culprits.

          Once I pulled up in front of my house I looked over at him before giving his head a soft kiss. After pulling the blanket more around him I got out and walked through the front door. I had been watching a movie with my parents and sister when Jake called. I only had time to tell them it was an emergency before bolting out of the door.

          As I opened the front door, I smiled while smelling an apple pie. Whenever someone got hurt my mom always made a pie. She swore it would make someone feel better and I knew it did. "Mom? Dad?"

          Footsteps were instantly coming towards me, their worried faces immediately looking at me. "Owen, is everything okay?" My mom's arms were then wrapping around me before my dad also hugged me.

          "Unfortunately no."

          "What happened?" My dad's worried voice asked. When more footsteps were walking towards us I looked up to see Olivia standing by the stairs. She looked worried as well.

          "You remember me telling you about my friend Jake?"

          They both nodded as my mom asked, "He's on the baseball team with you right?"

          "Right. He's my best friend and a little more." I could hear my heart start to beat faster while looking between them. "I realized I have feelings for him, very strong ones."

          They simply looked unbothered as my dad said, "He sounds special. Did something happen to him?"

          "This doesn't bother you... does it?"

          "You having feelings for a boy?" My mom asked before waving her hand at me. "Of course not. Your father and I have always told you and your sister that it doesn't matter who you love. Just as long as you're happy, that's all that we care about."

          "Exactly Owen," my father's voice said. "You and Olivia are the best things that have ever happened to us. Your mother and I just want you two to be happy and I don't care if you have feelings for another guy."

          With that he wrapped his long arms around me, his comforting manly scent always calming me down. "Thanks dad," I whispered while feeling my mom place her hand onto my cheek.

          She gave me a smile before looking worried. "Now about Jake, did something happen to him?"

          After briefly recapping what had happened I watched as their faces turned sad. "You think his parents hit him?" Olivia quietly asked.

          "Unfortunately. I'm assuming its okay if he stays here for the weekend?"

          "Of course Owen," my mom's soft voice was saying. "Let me make up a plate for him really fast."

          I helped her fix up a plate before she sliced a piece of pie before walking up into my room. After everything was set I wandered outside and noticed that Jake was awake, his tired eyes looking around. With a smile I opened the door before unbuckling him and placing my hand onto his cheek. It disgusted me that someone hurt him and especially seeing Elise and Brandon. I hated seeing deep bruises and dried blood on his creamy skin. I honestly don't know how someone could hurt other people, for simply liking different things.

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