Four: Jake/ Owen

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My body felt heavy and everything just seemed... numb. At least I could feel my limbs so I knew they were still there, but they felt like lead. Why did my entire body feel like this? My eyes weren't even open yet and I was already tired. Man, what even happened last night? I tried to think back but the only thing I remembered was being in my room, saying something to Matt. Why couldn't I remember anything after that? Everything just felt so off, like I was in someone else's body. It made me really worried to open my eyes.

When they finally opened, I first noticed a large fuzzy blanket was around my entire body. My head was resting on an extremely comfortable pillow, or maybe that was just because I felt so tired. Even though my eyes felt heavy I forced them to look up and immediately felt better when I realized I was in Owen's room. He was on Pat's bed, sitting against the wall fast asleep. Pat was sleeping next to him on the bed, making me slowly realize I was in Owen's bed. How did I end up in his room? The last I knew he was shacking up with some girl. Everything after that was pretty fuzzy.

I heavily yawned before running a hand over my face, slowly stretching my tired limbs on the bed. However when I looked down I realized I was in Owen's clothes and I had no recollection of changing into them. Seeing my phone next to me, I went to grab it before stopping and looking down at my hand. There was a giant X on the back of my hand in what looked like permanent marker. Wonder where that came from.

After unlocking my phone I saw my parents had texted and called me multiple times, mainly saying they hoped I was okay. What the fuck? My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked back over at the sleeping guys while feeling my heart beat faster.

"Owen?" I croaked, cringing when I heard my own voice. It sounded like someone punched me in the throat then ran me over with their car.

When he didn't stir I was afraid he couldn't hear me, until his eyes suddenly popped open. He instantly looked at me before coming over and kneeling next to the bed. "Hey," he whispered while looking down at me.

"What happened, why am I here?" I knew something was wrong when he hesitated before diving into the story from last night. I did remember wanting to just think about something else, because I had been so sad seeing Owen with a girl. It just bothered me I couldn't remember anything else. When he finished telling me what had happened I frowned while pulling the blanket a little closer. "Did... did someone do something to me?"

"No, thank god. But someone either targeted you, or you ended up with a drink that was meant for someone else." He ran a hand over his face while frowning. "I was so worried when I found you and you could barely keep your eyes open. And Matt might be an ass, but he really saved you. He was able to remember where you went."

The way he was looking at me was making my cheeks feel oddly hot, unless the blanket was making me warm. "Yeah," I quietly said while feeling my head sink further into the pillow. "I'll have to thank him."

"I informed him what happened when we came back from the hospital. Your doctor did say you needed to rest and he also gave me a doctor's note. I can talk to coach tomorrow at practice and if there's anything you need I'm here." I felt my cheeks get hot again as his fingers gently touched my cheek. "And Jake, I'm extremely sorry for sleeping with Sadie. I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

I swallowed loudly as my fingers slowly wrapped around his, his dark eyes making me feel very comfortable. Before I could say anything Pat was suddenly waking up, Owen's fingers tightening on mine. He was then leaning down and ever so softly kissing my fingers before whispering, "We'll talk later."

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