Eight: Jake

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I had walked into Owen's room a million times by now but this time felt different. Back at the park seeing him defending me had made my palms all sweaty. And it truly made me never want to see Elise again, and to realize I'd be just fine without her. Just because I had loved her for so long didn't mean she loved me as much. I think I had only wanted to be with someone and I felt safe with her. But god, she wasn't a good person at all. My eyes wandered over to someone who was truly a good person and felt myself smile.

On our way back to campus Owen had stopped at a Panda Express, saying until times he didn't want me to be hungry. Meeting up with Elise had made me so nervous I hadn't even thought of eating. But I was glad he got food because I could feel my stomach growling. After carefully sitting down onto his bed he crawled up next to me, handing me my orange chicken. He was then turning the TV on before digging into his food.

Even though I was hungry, I found myself staring at his hands and wondered just how many women he'd touched them with. Would I even be good? My sexual experiences had started and ended with Elise. Would I disappoint him or even know what to do? He was used to female bodies and mine was definitely not even close to that. Instead of curvy I looked like a pole, no hips or even an ass. I didn't even have a chest; my pecs were small with basically no definition.

Owen on the other hand, was basically the complete opposite of me. He was tall dark and handsome, with a curvy and well filled out body. His thighs were thicker than extra crunchy peanut butter and I've seen his abs. I just didn't want him to be disappointed when he saw my small pasty white body.

"Hey," His voice snapped me out of the thoughts I'd been having. "You okay?"

When I looked down I realized he was basically done with his food and I still had all my orange chicken. Whoops. "Yeah," I said while leaning back on the bed.

"Why don't you eat something?"

As my fork pierced a piece of chicken his left arm was wrapping around my body. His fingers were slowly tracing over my arm as I forced myself to eat something. His fingers were distracting me from finishing before I looked over at Pat's empty bed. "Is Pat going to be back soon?" I asked.

"I asked if he could stay with a friend tonight."

"What?" I basically yelled as a piece of rice slid down the wrong pipe and made me start coughing.

Owen started gently patting my back as he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Why did you ask him that?"

He simply smirked while turning on his side to look at me better. "Why do you think?"

"But... but he's going to think that we're slutting it up in here."

His dark eyebrows rose up as he smiled. "Slutting it up?"

"Yes! He's going to think that we're, you know."

I watched as Owen placed a hand onto my cheek, his thumb slowly running over my cheek. "Do you really think that he would even care? You've met Pat; you know how great of a person he is and how accepting he is. I didn't tell him we were doing anything, I simply told him I needed the room tonight. Also, he'd never associate you as a slut because you're not. And Jake, we don't need to do anything. I'm perfectly okay with watching a movie or playing some video games."

"It's not that I just... god I'm going to sound stupid for saying this."

"What is it?"

"I'm not a girl Owen."

His thumb stopped moving for a second before he started laughing. "I'm fully aware you aren't a girl Jake."

"No I mean, I don't have the body that you're probably used to."

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