~ Chapter 6 ~

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I should've seen it coming

I knew they weren't happy. Yet, I'm still stunned. The worst part is, last night should have been the last straw for my mother. I would love to think she grew a backbone and initiated the divorce. However, I know this was my father's idea. It was all on his accord. 

I sit on the cold stone of my balcony, staring into the dark sky. It was empty, different from a usual starlit night. This would have been one of the nights that I'd sneak and go to the park. Where I'd cry and get everything out of my system. 

But I was tired, physically and emotionally.

I want to sleep but my mind races. Did I put up with all this shit just for them to get a divorce? Why didn't they get it sooner then? Maybe I'm being selfish, my parents are miserable together. This could be a good thing. No- shit- wait- my father wouldn't let me live with my mother. I'll be staying with him. 

The night air is strong. It whistles against the trees, embracing my skin. My emotions make me hot and the universe calms me down. I welcome the contrast, I need something to ground me. Something that reminds me that there is another world outside of my head, outside of my overwhelming thoughts. 

Love seems like such an amazing complex.

The feeling of being totally involved with someone and them returning the feeling has to be one of mankind's favorite fairy tale. How does anyone expect me to believe in love if I've never seen it? My parents just might be living proof that love isn't real. 

But I want it to be

I read stories, I understand the emotions that the characters feel. In my weakest moments, I imagine what it would be like to be able to tell someone everything. Them understanding it and wanting to work through it with me. 

Where's my prince charming?

Where's my happy ending?


I sat in my car forty-five minutes before the bell rang. I got up earlier so I didn't have to see anyone. That includes my friends. I couldn't ignore them all day, but I sure couldn't feign happiness. Not today.


It's Friday

The party

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I slam my hand on the steering wheel. I want to go back home and crawl into a tiny ball. Then, I'm going to throw myself off of a cliff. 

Of course, it's Friday.

Of course, there's a party today.

Of course, I agreed to go to it.

Last but not least, of course, it's Kaiden Smith's party.

Cars slowly start to fill the parking lot. People laughing and walking inside with their friends. Totally unaware of the small breakdown I'm having in my car. I try to look on the positive side. Maybe a night of careless dancing is something I need. 

Yeah, still don't feel better-

I sigh, hopping out of my car. I start my way inside, already thinking of an excuse to leave the group. I smile and wave to passing acquaintances. Keep conversations small and sweet. No one noticed and no one cared. Which is fine, even if someone asked, I wouldn't tell them. 


"No, I'm pretty sure the best runaway route is this way. I appreciate your concern, though." I don't dare look into the eyes staring at the back of my head. I continue to walk. 

"I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave," I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Please, go to hell,"

"And you leave you here all alone?"

I turn around to face him, pausing in the now deserted hallway. He'd followed me all the way to the three hundredth hall. Everyone was in the commons. 

"Such a pretty mouth to be wielding such hurtful words," He leaned against the lockers, looking devilishly handsome as always. I would've swooned over him if he didn't get on my goddamn nerves so much. 

"Can you go be stupid somewhere that's away from me?" Despite the annoyed act I put on. This light conversation was probably what I needed. I would smile if my ego wasn't so big. I couldn't deny that talking to Axel made my day a little better. 

"What's in it for me?" He was not longer smirking, a genuine smile plastered his face. I'd just noticed his dimples. They were light but extremely adorable. His eyes were playful. 

"Are you flirting? Or trying to start a fight?"

"Eh, a little bit of both." 

He was close, his hand gripped around my upper arm. I could feel his breath fan my face, he smelled of mint and tobacco, a faint lingering scent of his cologne, as well. A dangerously intoxicating smell. 

I could only wonder what he tastes like

"That's too bad."

 With the little restraint I had left, I pulled back. A smirk parading on my face. He seemed fulfilled by our banter too. 

I walk into french, a smile still very prominent on my face. Not even Ms. Boucher could wipe it off. 

"Good morning class, you have a surprise test today based on the notes you took yesterday." 


"What's going on with you?" Olivia starts as soon as I take my seat next to her. 

My eyes drift to the back of the room. Kaiden's brother already looking at me. I have no doubt that he was at the track yesterday. I just hadn't seen him, but I'm sure he either saw me or his brother told him I was there. 

"What are you talking about?"

I'd purposefully ignored her phone calls and skipped out on lunch today. I just couldn't take her condescending jokes, not today. 

"You've been avoiding me, you've been avoiding all of us. " 

"Wasn't avoiding you. I don't have my phone." I explain, "What did you need?"

"Well, I was just wondering what color dress you were going to wear? We can't wear the same color-" She goes off on a tangent, her concern no longer there. Just like I knew it wouldn't be. 

Truth was, I hadn't even thought about the party since it was last mentioned. I'd forgotten completely about it. Unlike her, I hadn't planned the party to be the highlight of my life. Once I got home, I would pick a random dress out of my closet. Throw whatever makeup I feel like on. Then call her to say I was on my way. 

"Y'all are going to the party?" 

I turn around, it was Kaiden's brother who asked. It's kind of sad that I still don't know his name. I nod. 

"Oh, this is going to be fun."

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