~ Chapter 52 ~

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"Yeah, whatever, I pull more girls than you do, bitch." Athena sneers at Kaiden from across the lunch table.

I chuckle at the scene in front of me. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the beginning of the argument, but Kaiden does have a way of getting underneath people's skin.

"Are you going to eat that?" Axel whispers in my ear, separate from the screaming match in front of us.

I look down at the grey meat that was supposed to be a burger. "No, take it."

The way he swallowed it down is quite alarming. He took one bite and, boom, it's gone. He leans back in his chair, arm over mine. Legs spread in the way boys do. He looks as if he's on display. Axel in all his Axel-ness. It makes his chewing just a little more tolerable.

He grins, mouth full, "What? I'm a growing boy,"

"A boy indeed,"

"I wasn't a boy last night, huh?" He smirks.

I hit him in the back of the head as he laughed at my heating face. The only thing Mr. Stone has been getting from me is a few kisses. Let's not get things twisted...

The bell sounds off and the cafeteria begins to clear. Athena and Kaiden still go at it as they throw away their trash. It's refreshing, to not have to talk about real problems for a few moments.

Mia and I break off from the group to walk to class.

"You know, Jack?" She begins.

"Lacrosse team, Jack?"

She nods.

"Yeah about him?"

"He started texting me," She smiles sheepishly, "He invited me to one of his games,"

"That's exciting, are you going to go?"


Mia's cut off by the sound of the fire alarms going off. I roll my eyes, this is probably another drill.

"Fire alarms are so loud, for what?"

I chuckle in agreement, turning around towards the front of the school. The hallways quickly begin to fill up and the pace of the crowd quickens. Some students walked quickly to the exit. Then you had other students that acted out, pushing and shoving.

With the increase of both bodies and speed, it was hard to keep close to Mia. Finally, a wave of students cut us off completely and we separated.

I would just go ahead and skip school altogether when I make it outside, but I'm walking on a thin line right now. I checked earlier this morning; Leslie Hale has knocked me out of my valedictorian spot. Overachieving little bitch...

As soon as I catch a glimpse of the front doors, I feel a rough tug at my arm. The hands pull me into a neighboring classroom. They throw me so fast into the room that the person shuts and locks the door before I can even turn around.

I smile slightly, "Axel, we're in the middle of a-"

I'm cut off by finally setting eyes on the person at the door. The person is definitely not Axel.

"We need to talk," His voice rings off the empty desks.

"Lucas," I warn.

"I need to tell you something! You know you can be a real fucking handful, Victoria."

I keep quiet, putting some space in between us. The fire alarm rings loudly both inside and outside of the classroom. Even if I were to scream right now, no one would hear me.

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