~ Chapter 53 ~

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The only thing I can focus on is the heat in my veins and the rapid up and down movement of my leg. As I sit on the porch of the house I have been staying at for- has it been months? Suddenly I can't even remember today's date. Or the date that I ran from home.

The fire drill ended quickly after the tape was played. I had to go about the rest of the day in a boiling bubble of animosity. Ducking and dodging to avoid anyone I might know. I convinced Mia to take me to Axel's house, without an explanation.

I can't even hold onto a single thought right now.

I see red, I feel red.

I refuse to go inside the home. I don't want anger to morph into grief over anything in that house. Overall the time I wasted dreaming. Overall the moments I may have shared. Just for it to be fake?

I reach up and caress the tattoo behind my ear.

So much for rebirth, huh?

Their cars pull up in the driveway, each person getting out. Grey eyes catch mine immediately. He gets out of the car with a small smile that, for a moment, has me regretting my entire mindset. I think for a second, that I should just forget everything.

He must've seen the fire in my eyes as he approached. His smile faltered, his eyebrow raised. I stand, gritting my teeth in an effort to collect myself. I was going to lay everything out, leaving nothing left. My words are to be concise and clear. I want to leave with no mixed signals.

"You know I like it when you're angry, baby, but what did I do now?"

The comment made my heart flutter. However, this time, when it flutters it increases my heartbeat, which sparks my anger.

"Go inside."

The comment was to the rest of the group that happened to crowd around us on the porch. I refuse to look at anyone but Axel. They don't question it, reading the room. From the corner of my eye, I see Tyler walk into the house as well.

I have to hold back snort, he's certainly got some nerve.



The longer I stare at the more upset I become. How dare he? To me?

"I talked to Lucas, Axel." I look down for a moment. "He pulled me into a classroom during the fire drill today,"

"Are you okay? What did he do?"

He moves to step closer, but I stop him. "Oh, shut the hell up,"

He freezes instantly, taken aback. I see the shift in his eyes as he suddenly figures out what I could've discussed with Lucas. It upsets me more. Maybe a part of me wanted him to be absolutely clueless. Say Lucas was lying and say that the tape was edited and then we can go back to sharing I love you's in the kitchen. Except... he knows, he knows exactly what we discussed, he knows exactly what I heard.  

I stand on the stairs, abruptly needing space from him.

"So, he takes me into this room, right? Locks the door and everything," I recount almost comically. However, I find no humor in the situation.

"And he's all like, 'Axel's not who you think he is'. Nothing new from our average conversation. Then he goes into this long tangent about my father and the campaign. How you all are actually pretty chummy with him," I look back at him. He's completely silent, standing in the same spot I left him in.

"He made up this entire story about how my father is a no-good backstabber, he left all of you high and dry. Lucas credited you, Axel, with a plan to get back at him,"

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