Except you love me

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"What the hell Bellamy? Do you even use your fucking head sometimes?"

Clarke's angry voice greets him the second he steps through the gate.

Jasper gives him a worried look but Bellamy isn't afraid of the tiny blonde that storms out of the dropship.

"Hello to you, too, Clarke." he says with a smirk.

Suddenly the small girl is standing right in front of him and she's fuming. Bellamy's throat goes dry and he swallows hard. Maybe he's a bit afraid of the woman in front of him.

When she raises her arms Bellamy fears she'll slap him but instead her small hands are suddenly all over his body, checking him for any kind of injury. The sudden gentleness of her touch surprises him and he just freezes, not daring to move a single muscle under her glare.

"Someone check Jasper for injuries," she demands.

"I do." he hears his sister.

Octavia is grinning widely at Clarke who frowns at the other girl.

"What the hell did you two think? There are grounders out there and Mountain Men and you two decide to go for a walk? What the fuck is wrong with you? I swear by god if any of you do that again, I'll kill you myself!"

Bellamy's astound how angry Clarke is though Bellamy and Jasper are clearly fine. They just went to the river and they both took weapons. They were safe the whole time but it seems like that isn't enough for the princess.

Thinking that Clarke's concerned about him makes him grin.

Suddenly Bellamy feels a sharp pain in his cheek. He stares in shock at the small frame in front of him.

"You really think that's funny, Bella-"

Bellamy interrupts her by pressing his lips onto hers for a brief moment. When he pulls away she's still glaring at him but her expression has slightly soften.

His lips are prickling from the sensation of finally touching hers.

"Why can't you just shut up, Princess. Jas and I are fine." Bellamy just cannot help the smirk on his face and he can literally feel Clarke getting even more angry than before.

She starts yelling.

"Because I wasn't finished you stupid, arrogant ass. Do you really think you can-"

To the shock of all of them, he crashes his lips on hers for a second time but she angrily pushes him away.

This time, Bellamy glares back at her. He knows everyone's watching them with interest. He knows that the whole camp is listening to their fight and they all stare in anticipation of what will happen next.

"Clarke calm down, you're overreacting-"

This time she's the one crashing her lips to his. And Bellamy who hasn't expected this reaction is startled for a moment. But before he can move to wrap his arms around her and kissing her back, she's pulling back and hisses,

Bellarke one shots- smutsWhere stories live. Discover now