We are royally fucked

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Clarke reached the last step of the 8 flight stairs to be met with a small hallway of three doors. Placing her suitcase on the floor, with her backpack still on her back, she panted, out of breath as she placed her hands on her knees.

Of course he had to choose the apartment at the top floor of his apartment, that had no working elevator. All of them had given Bellamy a bus ton of shit for that. But, they couldn’t argue for long though because the view is beautiful.

Clarke grabbed her small suitcase and walked towards the wooden door at the end of the hallway. She was about to put her hand on the door but heard a loud yell coming from the other side of the door.

Clarke couldn’t hear much but she heard Bellamy say “shut up!” To whoever he was talking to. She couldn’t hear anyone talking so she assumed he  was on the phone.

Clarke decided to knock, waiting for him to open the door. She heard a lock on the door click and he opened it, a wide smile appearing on his face.

Clarke was blown away with his curly haired, chocolate eyes, teeth smile beauty. She scanned his body, like she always does when she sees Bellamy, just to see if something is different about him.

Clarke noticed that he still had a phone in his hand, on a specific caller ID. Echo. Bellamy’s girlfriend. Yeah, she wasn’t shocked that Echo had made the effort to call him before we had to leave.

Echo and Clarke never liked each other, even before her and Bellamy started dating. Raven introduced them to her and no one really liked her, except Bellamy.

She’s not really apart of the group, so to say. But, she’s there. As Bellamy’s girlfriend, we put up with her at game nights or movie nights. We all know it’s not going to last, though. Except, it did. It’s lasted for 2 years.

“ Bellamy! I know that you can hear me!” She yelled through the phone and Bellamy sighed, putting the phone up to this ear, inviting Clarke in with the other hand.

“Echo, I have to go. Clarke’s here.” He hung up the phone, placing it in his pocket before he walked over to her, pulling her winter coat off of her.

Clarke raised her eyebrows at him, a small, playful smile tugging at her lips. “What is it this time?” Clarke asked him and he pressed his lips together, his hands going to his hips.

“She’s pissed that I didn’t invite her to the wedding,” he said and Clarke blinked as he finished his sentence. Clarke looked at him questiongly, confused and flabbergasted. “Huh, yeah, I know. Probably best not to invite someone to a wedding when you’re going to break up with them.”

“What?” Clarke asked loudly, almost yelling. “Uh, since when were you going to break up with her?” Clarke asked, going to sit down on the couch as Bellamy walked behind his kitchen counter.

He thought for a second, grabbing multiple water bottles out of the fridge. “It took me a while to realize that I didn’t really want to be with her anymore. But I’ve known for a while, I guess.”

“Wow, that’s—alright.”

“So, shall we get going?” Bellamy asked as he picked up his coat from the side of the couch and threw it on. Clarke nodded, doing the same and walking towards the door where she left her bags. Bellamy nodded, walking towards the spare closet and grabbing all of his things.

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