Thank you Capitan Obvious

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“Come on,” Clarke groaned as Raven dragged her down the street. “Can’t we just call it a night already? It’s packed everywhere.”

“Absolutely not. I refuse to believe there is not one place in this city that we can’t sit and drink without wanting to kill someone.” Her friend continued charging down the sidewalk, and since her arm was looped through Clarke’s, she had no choice but to follow.

“Ravennnn,” Clarke whined. “I’m having brunch with Octavia tomorrow, remember? She wants to introduce me to her brother now that I’ve been accepted to the teaching program and am officially staying.”

“Remind me why she waited so long?” Her friend barely waited for the light to turn yellow before crossing the street.

“He was across the country teaching at a small liberal arts college before he got offered a job here, close to her. So now he’s back and settled in, and she’s decided we have to meet.” She leveled a glare at the back of her friend’s head. “And I’d like to not be hungover for it.”

“You’re a tank, you’ll be just fine,” Raven responded, unconcerned. “In fact you’ll probably be there earlier and more sober than both of them. What's his name again?”

"I have no clue. She's always calling him B or dumbass or nerd, or some variation of the three when they're on the phone." Which was nearly once a day, because Octavia and her brother were incredibly close, and despite the nicknames (which he returned with equal creativity), it was honestly the sweetest thing in the world. Not that Clarke would ever say so out loud. Even though she'd only known the girl for a few months - having met during their senior prank, of all places - she liked to think she knew Octavia well enough that she wouldn't appreciate someone pointing out just how endearing she and her brother were. Even if it was true.

Raven finally stopped her hasty strides, her eyes flitting from sign to sign. Clarke could practically see the wheels turning in her head as she peeked into various windows and debated the pros and cons. She took advantage of the pause to stretch her legs. Thankfully, she’d chosen to wear her favorite pair of black strappy sandals, knowing from experience that the low heel and comfort were necessary for a night out with Raven. But as a cool breeze rushed over her bare legs, she yanked at the hem of her pleated black skirt for the umpteenth time.

“I should have worn jeans,” she muttered to herself.

“Stop complaining. You look hot. Aha!” Raven shouted triumphantly and began dragging her along again. “In here.”

Clarke was shoved inside what looked like a hole-in-the-wall before she could even read the name atop the door. As she shoved hair from her eyes, though, she found herself pleasantly surprised. The place was wide and open, lit by small lamps on each table and the occasional bulb that hung from the high ceilings. It was still dark, but not creepily so. Almost… romantic.

Raven took in the expression on her face and grinned smugly. “Told ya I’d find a spot.”

“I’ll say,” she breathed. Clarke’s gaze wandered around, noting the place was pretty busy, as expected for a Saturday night, but not unbearably so. Unwittingly, she latched onto a head of curly dark hair behind the bar. When the person in question turned around, she found a a tanned, sharply angled face staring back. His eyes were nearly as dark as his hair and freckles dotted his cheeks. The grey shirt clung to his wide shoulders, short sleeves giving way to clearly muscled arms. And she was pretty sure that if she managed to peek underneath said shirt, she’d find a body carved from stone. Wow, she thought stupidly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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