Seven Minutes in Haven

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Clarke sips on her coffee slowly as she waits for the elevator to reach her floor. Her office is on the top floor of the building and sometimes it takes a while to get there because people keep coming in and out.

Today is one of those days.

But Clarke doesn't mind because she's in a very good mood this morning. It's now almost nine am, she's on her third cup of coffee and she's doing surprisingly well, despite the fact that she's barely had three hours of sleep last night. And the reason for that is a 300 pages long manuscript which she's holding in her hands. She doesn't regret hours spent on reading it, not even a tiniest bit because it's one of the best manuscripts she's ever read. She's positive it will soon be a bestselling book and she can't wait to let her client know.

The elevator makes a familiar sound and the door opens, revealing already crowded office. Clarke exits the elevator, her high heels pounding loudly against the wooden floor. She greets everyone with a friendly smile as she makes her way to her office. She takes out her key to unlock the door only to find it already open.

With a frown she enters the office and sees that the furniture has been rearranged. Her beautiful couch on which she's fallen asleep reading so many times is pushed carelessly against the wall. Her desk, normally in the middle, is now moved a few feet further to the left and on the other side, facing it is another desk and behind it sits a man.

It takes her exactly two seconds to recognize him and her eyes go wide in surprise. "What are you doing here?" She asks, her voice a little too high.

Bellamy looks up, that same, familiar smirk plastered to his face. He's just like Clarke remembers him, except for the fact that he's eight years older and even more frustratingly handsome than the last time she saw him.

"Well, hello to you too, Princess. Nice to see you. How've you been?" he says in his deep voice, the smirk on his face turning into a smug grin.

Yup. He hasn't changed one bit. He's still the same old annoying idiot, using his same old annoying nickname for Clarke which he knows she hates.

"I asked you a question," Clarke drops the manuscript and the coffee on her desk and crosses her arms across her chest, shooting him a piercing look.

"I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean here in this building or here in this office?" He shifts in his chair, his biceps flexing under the thin white button-up shirt he's wearing and Clarke has to remind herself that she does not find him attractive, just like she didn't find him attractive when they went to high school together. She doesn't find his tanned skin attractive at all. Or his ruffled hair. Or his big dark eyes that are staring at her. Or his lips…

She mentally kicks herself, shaking her head. "You know what I mean, Bellamy," she snaps at him. "What the hell are you doing in my office?"

"Sitting behind my desk and doing my job, obviously," he says innocently. "And it's our office now, Princess," he adds with a triumphal smirk.

"What?!" Clarke almost screams, angry at herself for losing her temper in front of him. She doesn't wait for his reply. She storms out of the door, heading for Lincoln's office.

"What is he doing in my office?" Clarke stomps in the room furiously, not bothering to close the door behind her.

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