I love you

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Bellamy stared at the dark forest. The moon and stars were covered by a thick layer of clouds and it was impossible to see anything at all really, but it didn't stop him staring. He wasn't exactly on guard but these days sleep was hard to find, and if you were up on a guard platform in the middle of the night you were complacent if you didn't watch the forest. He would be complacent if he didn't watch the forest for her return. Of course she hadn't returned and attack hadn't come, not since the mountain. The Grounders had come, the Commander wishing to offer a new alliance to Clarke. Of course Clarke wasn't there and Bellamy could have missed the way the news affected the Commander, except that he recognized the look in her eyes. He saw that look everyday after all in the scrap of mirror he kept in his tent. That tiredness in the eyes, the hint of pain, of loss and of need. Bellamy had never been certain of Clarke's relationship with the Commander - it had certainly been intense, but whatever it had been he was fairly certain that the Commander was missing the Skaiprisa. He was missing the Sky Princess and he knew that their relationship had been nothing other than reliance, co-leadership and friendship. God, she was his best friend and Bellamy had never had a best friend. He'd never really had any friend until the Earth. Now he had many, but they were all damaged, his best friend the most damaged of all.

Bellamy let out a breath and stared at way the cold of the air made his warm breath white. He had seen this occur many times on the Ark where temperatures often dropped, but it was the first time he had seen it on Earth. It forewarned of a winter approaching that they were wholly ill equipped to survive. If only the Chancellor would take the advice of others rather than obstinately persevering with her own distorted agenda. The chancellor hated the Commander and refused trade which was foolish. But perhaps Abby had seen in her eyes how she felt for her daughter and perhaps she blamed her for said daughter disappearing into the forest and not returning. Bellamy tugged his jacket more tightly around him, his arms wrapping around his stomach in an aid to keep out the cold. The fucking winter hadn't even truly arrived and they were already cold with their crappy Ark clothes. Bellamy wanted Grounder furs and if the Chancellor wouldn't trade with the Commander then he would. He scowled at the thought because he just knew there had been something between Clarke and the Commander, and he hated it but he was jealous. He didn't want to dwell on that feeling, to give it true credence because then he'd have to answer questions whose answers would cause more pain than he thought he could deal with, such as love and what you do with love when the one you love is gone, or worse maybe in love with another. And when you don't know if the person they love is a boy she killed at a stake or a girl who seemed to rule earth. Bellamy knew he was nothing next to either of those. He was a friend. Comfort. Reassurance. Balance.

Clarke stared at the lake. She knew she wasn't alone in the world but sometimes it felt like it in this place in the Mountains. Mount Weather had formed a barrier and when she'd destroyed that barrier she'd cleared a path to the other side and she took it because Clarke didn't want to be found. She didn't want to stumble upon Trigedakru, or Skaikru, or Azgeda, or Floukru, or any of the clans and she most especially didn't want to see Lexa. Anger burned her stomach at the thought of the grey eyed commander and to her dismay it quickly spread to her eyes. The tears fragmented her view of the lake. Instead of dwelling on deceit and soft lips she did what she always did when the sadness overwhelmed her - she thought of people who made her feel better. She didn't think of Lexa, or Octavia, or her mother, or Finn, really there was only one person who made her feel any better, one person who had given her everything she had ever asked for and much that she hadn't known she needed. She thought of Bellamy, of his dark eyes and messy hair, of freckles that danced unexpectedly across tan skin. She felt the burn in her eyes subside as she centred herself by playing a game of how many freckles, where she tried to remember exactly how many freckles were on Bellamy's nose and cheeks. He'd probably have scowled at her and sworn if he knew the game she played, but of course he didn't because he was somewhere that wasn't where she was. She felt as though she was alone in the world.

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