"When He Texted Me First"

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I was in Drama class when I felt that tingle at the back of my neck that I felt whenever someone was watching me. It made me feel like a superhero sometimes, but I couldn't tell anyone at the risk of coming off weirder than I already did. Not that I had anyone to tell, besides my one best friend, Ronnie. But it wasn't important enough to discuss. Period. I rubbed the back of my neck and turned around in my seat to see who was staring at me or if I was being paranoid again. It was the guy from yesterday. What was his name? Aaron? No, that was the junior in my gym class who was kind of nice. I remember. His name was Eric. He's kind of cute. I can't think those things! I have to avoid getting a crush this year. I can't afford that kind of distraction right now.

It was then I caught myself staring and turned back to face forward, looking at the board our teacher was projecting a video onto. My face was heated with embarrassment. Real smooth there, Dev. Eyeing the Korean junior. Seriously, could you be more stereotypical? Something hit me, literally, it poked my shoulder. "What the...?" I muttered quietly, turning around again to look at Eric. He smiled and waved at me before pointing at the ground behind my chair and mouthing: "Open it." I glanced down, amused to find a paper airplane next to the bottom of my fallen book bag.

This is it. This is my high school story. Right here. No, no. Can't have any more of those stupid fantasies like last year. It doesn't do anyone any good. I grabbed the airplane and unfolded it slowly, trying to not get caught passing notes. It's 2019, but it's still high school. Squinting, I silently cursed myself for putting my glasses in my bag. After leaning to get the light of the projected film on the paper, I could make out his decent-ish handwriting.

Hey. I'm sorry for lying to you yesterday.

The hell? I took a pencil from behind my ear and scribbled out a response.


I refolded it carefully and slid it back to him, very confused and a little disappointed despite my better judgement. In seconds, my foot was nudged the slightest bit by the paper plane.

Yesterday in gym you heard me say your name. I told you I was telling my friend you're a girl because he thought you were a guy. I lied. I thought you were a guy, not him.

It took me a little self-control not to laugh but I didn't.

Can I have your number? This paper passing thing is looking a little suspicious.

Wait, why'd I do that?! Oh fuck, oh fuck. That was way too forward. I probably seem like a thirsty freshman to him. Way to go, Devin. Way to fucking go. You just had to go and give him an invitation to talk to you more. I'm supposed to come off antisocial. That's it. I'm never letting myself talk to other people besides family and teachers.

Fortunately for me, the loudspeaker came on, booming with an abrupt assembly announcement, as in, there was one right then that all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors simply had to attend in the auditorium. I sighed, somewhat relieved, and tugged my leather jacket on over my loose swamp green tank top after walking out of the classroom. Biting the inside of my cheek, I realized that Eric was following me as he was a junior. How bloody perfect. My feet moved faster automatically, which caused the rest of me to collide with someone. Blood stopped halfway on rushing to my face when I learned it was just Ronnie. "Hey, dude." I pushed myself off of him and side-stepped so I could stand behind him in the forming line in front of the doors of the auditorium.

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