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ryan- italicsrenée- underlinedjennifer- bold

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ryan- italics
renée- underlined
jennifer- bold

goodmorning ladies

jenny! oh my god how are you queen

how was the table read? tell us all of the details

i mean, the actual table read itself was fine i guess, but, like what happened after though... not as much

did someone die?

why the literal fuck would you think someone die. don't you think it would've popped up on twitter

language renée!

oh bite me ryan.

guys! *crunch* i'm still here!

sorry jen. spill your tea.

stop trying to sound so millennial!

okay boomer

how are you guys living with eachother right now

we live with eachother on the regular you know

but at least delilah and i are here to stop you two from having an incredibly interesting dance battle.

but at the same time, that's why me and gayfully ryan over here are the most iconic duo in the apartment. we can bitch to eachother one moment and then hoe it up later. you and delilah can watch the notebook and sob about ryan gosling with a beard.

i thought i was your bitch tho renée...

that's our secret baby

i am right next to you renée!


but for real, jenny what happened after the read through

we went to this club.

oh brother

and i thought i was maybe gonna have a drink or two and have some nice discussion with my coworkers

but thottifer came out instead?

who's that

your thotty alter-ego

what did she do

she did karaoke

joan jett and the block hearts

of course

a go to

and by the end of it i made out with bill hader


shut the fuck up

you are such a stupid ass bitch jennifer jessica williams

no i'm not!... ah shit


it's him

he texted you?


you have his number?

yes, the cast is supposed to trade contacts

what did he say?

he wants to meet for coffee. to talk about my character

a good play on words

i'm ending the phone call

ah you bitch

sorry i have a coffee meet up to go to


you betcha

don't fuck or anything!

i won't!

love youuuuu

love ya side hoe

love you too babes. byeee

*end of call*

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