Chapter 9

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I was on my way towards Anika and her baby gang. Get it baby gang HA! When Karen the fucking hoe of the school came in my way.

"Hey, babe guess who's back from camp." I roll my eyes and continue my way towards Anika until I was stopped  a-fucking-gain.

"Com'on ain't I gonna get a hello kiss or something else." She asks moving closer to me and she stinks of other males.

"Can you leave me alone? Those days are over okay."

"So I see there's another or did you find your mate."

"She's my mate so can you leave me alone now." She starts walking away and quickly turns around and kisses me on the lips. I push her away and look up to see Anika crying and putting a sleeping Alissa on her back and another sleeping Nikky on her hip. I start running in her direction and was stopped by this fucking bitch she's so lucky I don't hit girls. Thinking about it I don't even know if she was real anymore there's more plastic on her than real flesh.

"Move out of my way Karen."

"But ba-"

"MOVE!" I scream at her using my Alpha tone. She bows her head and moves out of my way. I quickly run the direction Anika went and saw her going into Ashlie's car with Josh and Issa. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

 I run to my car and start the engine it doesn't work. I try again. Shit, it still doesn't work. I try again the roar of it makes me know it's alive I start driving but didn't see the direction they went. Fuck.


I'm in the backseat of Ashlie's car practically crying my eyes out because of the pain in my chest. 

- Annie are you okay 

- The pain is unbearable Anika. Mate H-he...

- I know it hurts too but I know the bond between wolves are stronger so it probably hurts you more

- I'ma just rest Anika

- Okay

We reach a house I haven't seen before. The sun that was setting made it look even more beautiful than it already was. 



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We get out of the car and head to the house. When we enter the view inside was even more beautiful. 

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