Chapter 16

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I'm so sorry guys for not posting. I've been taking a break to get stuff in my life back together especially with my mom being sick and stuff. I know most of you are tired of hearing about this now, but I hope you all stay safe during these hard times. May God bless you all I love you. A picture of Ashton at the top!



I've been up for many nights listening to Issa's screams of pain. I haven't been showering so I probably smell like crap. They would only open that door to let Maria in or to give me food and trust me the food is not some five-course male with freshly squeezed lime and dipping sauce on the side no. I've been getting the same thing every day. Dried-out meat is sometimes cooked without water I mean would it kill them to at least add some water. At least I can trust the water because Maria brings me a cup, so I don't die of thirst. I've gotten thinner from the last time I look in the mirror my beautiful curvy body has shrunk. I miss Ashton the smile that's always on his face his beautiful toned abs that I just want to run my hands down. My head snaps in the direction of a crying baby and mother.

" Why are you crying? Did he hit you again?"

" No... Why are you drooling?"

" No, I'm not," I say wiping my face. Maria rolls her eyes and wipes her stained cheeks.

" Maria tell me what's wrong."

" They are going to take my baby away from me Anika they are going to give her away as a peace offering to another person."

" What why?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Peace offering why would a pack want a baby.

" They are going to give them to these people who can't have babies of their own because they are not truly mated. The reason why they need a peace offering is so they could get that person to betray their pack so we could get information on them."

My mouth opens in shock they are taking away her only child just for their own selfish needs. I move towards her and envelop Maria in a hug. She starts bawling her eyes out.

" I have a plan for how we could escape but I'll need your help first." Maria looks up at me holding her baby closer to her chest.

" Anything once it will grantee that she's safe." I smile at the love of a mother for her child. I wonder if this will be my relationship when if have a child with Ashton.

" Okay I'll tell you my plan, but it also includes you jailbreaking my best friend." She nods her head and I begin with the plan.


I've been in this room for an hour now trying to put Maria's baby to sleep. How the hell do you put a baby to sleep. I never had a problem putting Alissa to sleep all I had to do was sing on lullaby to her then poof she's asleep, but this creature doesn't want to sleep I've song about twenty songs for her and she would cry louder. I keep pulling my hair in frustration why won't she sleep! I gently place her on the bed, and everything goes quiet. A re you serous all I had to do was put her on the bed. I groan not too loud too because that would cause someone to come in and I don't want that to happen. I walk over to the sheets on the floor pick them out and gently wrap the baby in them. I pick her up and hide her in the closet with air so she could breathe. I can't have her dying Maria would kill me if that ever happens.

Phase one is complete now I wait for James to come to do his daily checkup. Every day around this time James would come in to check on me and make sure I'm ok he would sometimes touch me and stuff that I'm not comfortable with. I jump on the bed and pretend to be asleep. The door slowly creaks open. Bingo right on time. I feel the bed dip showing that he's sitting on my right. His hands slowly start rubbing up and down my legs. Now I'm regretting for the hundredth time today wearing this outfit. His hands start going up I just have to wait for the signal. His other hand starts doing the same to my other leg. Hurry Maria! I want this man's filthy hands off me. A loud horn goes off and the shuffling of feet starts to erupt around the house.

I quickly shove my hand under the bed and pull out the silver dagger I've been hiding. I slowly get up as James gets up off the bed.

" James where are you going?" I say as sweetly as I could.

" Didn't you hear the horn someone has escaped the prison?!" He answers.

" Oh, that's what that was." I fake a pout.

" Are you deaf or something?" He questions.

" I think it's the or something." I start opening my legs a little wider rubbing my legs. I can't seduce a man to save my life. I think this is how you do it right? Right? I watch as his eyes flash with lust. " Come 'on baby surely you could spare some time for me."

"But I should be giving orders." I open my legs a little wider. If I open these things any wider, I swear something will break. A smirk plays onto his lips. " But I'll spare some time for you." He says coming closer. His lips capture mine and I'm forced to kiss him back. My hands start traveling to his neck and when I'm right and the spot where I'm sure he'll die I stab him in it. He starts coughing up blood as more blood runs down his neck. He tries to attack me, but I stab him again in the neck to make more blood flow.

" You bitch!" Were the last words to come out of his mouth as I push down the stick that I found down his throat.

" I know I'm one," I mutter as I walk to the closet where I've been hiding the baby. I use the other sheet that was in the closet to wipe off some of the blood that was on me, so I don't mess her up. I walk out cradling the baby and search James's pockets. Found a silver gun and some perfume. I spray the bottle on me and the baby, so our scent doesn't attract anyone. Before I walk out of the room, I wipe the dust off my shoes. " I hope you burn in hell." I step into the empty corridor.

I open the first door I see and James's faint scent floods my nose. This must have been his room. It looks like a mess. I open the window in his room and peek through. A two-story drop. This house isn't as tall as I thought. I hold onto the baby close to my chest as I jump out the window. I slowly walk around the house I turn the corner and see wolves fighting not just any wolves it's Ashton's pack they came. My heart melts at the thought of him coming all the way here just for me. Just as I was about to run into the forest the fighting stops. My dad's voice booms across the forest.

" I suggest you don't go anywhere Anika or your mate and your little friend die." I pause. Shit, I was so close. I look up my dad had Issa on her knees with nothing to cover her body parts. My dad is holding a silver knife to her throat. I look around for Ashlie and another wolf is holding her down so she doesn't attack because if she does Issa might die. Two wolves are pointing their guns at Ashton one at the front and the other at the back. Maria is bruised and lying on the floor not moving but still breathing.

" What do you want! I finally had a better life and look what you are doing I was finally going to have a family."

" Oh, sweet little me just wanted to tell you a little secret your oh so dear mate has been keeping from you."

" I don't care."

" Oh, but I think you would want to hear this it might have happened to you in the past, but you will still be interested." A growl erupts from Ashton, but he stays rooted to the ground.

" Just tell me." A smirk plays on my dad's face. Wait he isn't my dad this object's face much better.

" Ever wondered who raped you when you were younger." The forest just suddenly goes quiet. " Well look to your left sweetheart."

" No... Ashton..."

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