Chapter Twenty-One

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I reached my room in no time flat. I threw open the door and locked it behind me. What powers were they talking about? I knew I had some, but what powers did I have that would let all hell break loose?

I began to pace, my breath coming out in short pants, and I felt tears sting my eyes. So now I was back to square one with the secret-keeping. Both of them had promised that we were through with that, but they broke it.

How long had they known and who had told them? I let out a frustrated cry and raked my nails down my cheeks, welling up a little bit of blood. A soft knock sounded at my door and I fell silent.

"Anna, you ok?" came Liam's voice from the other side of the door.

"I...I'm fine Liam...j...just go away....please," I said sniffling.

"Anna, you're crying, let me in," Liam demanded.

"NO!" I yelled, my voice sharp, evil and one that wasn't my own. "I...I mean no, Liam I need to be alone," I said turning my back to the door.

" the DOOR!" Liam yelled pounding on the door making it rattle on its hinges. I flinched back in fear from his tone.

My eye caught sight of my wedding ring, I knew I should be able to trust Liam so I went to the door and opened it. Liam saw my haggard features and instantly pulled me against his chest where I broke down.

"W...why didn't tell me?" I cried.

"Shhhh Anna," Liam said smoothing my hair. He came into the room with me and shut the door and then sat on the bed pulling me onto his lap. I collected myself as Liam wiped the tears from my cheeks. "How much did you hear?" Liam asked. I avoided his gaze for a second before I forced myself to look into his cool gaze.

"I...I heard Jacob say that fighting Erebus is too much for me to handle but it's not! I can do it, Liam, just like Anya," I said. Liam sighed and I went on. "I heard you say that I deserve to fight Erebus, you know I can do it. I h...heard Jacob say that he hoped you regretted turning me, and if I found out what things I was capable of, it'd be hell on earth, but what powers? I have some, but what others are there?" I asked.

"Ok, you've heard that if you do something for a while sometimes nonstop, it becomes controlling?" Liam asked me.

"Like texting, drugs, getting high?" I answered.

"Yeah, things like kids your age do, well it's the same with your powers. If you use them too often and too much, your magic or whatever will consume you to the point where you won't be able to stop, but in your case, vampires don't have powers. It's like being a witch and a vampire at the same time. A mix that isn't possible," Liam explained.

" can't...we can't....what happens if I do lose it?" I asked fearful of the answer.

"Well, like you heard Jacob say, it'd be hell on earth or you could possibly kill yourself," Liam answered straight off.

"But, I can control them. I was able to make the dagger with a little bit of my magic," I said.

"Yes, but too much of it and it's over for you," Liam said darkly.

"You know Liam... you and Jacob said-," I started when Liam interrupted me.

"That we wouldn't keep secrets from you, yes I remember," he said.

"You should've told me sooner," I said in a pouty voice. Liam quickly changed the subject then.

"Hey, you said the dagger was finished so why don't we have a look at it," he said taking me out of the room.

The Ties of Darkness (Book Two of the Hidden Secrets Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now