Chapter 4

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Bidem slowly enters my room. He spreads his arms out for me. I barrel into them and cry. I cry as hard as I can hoping to ruin my make up. I want them to be disgusted with me. I glance up at Bidem's face. Tears fly down his cheeks too, maybe even faster than mine.

"How am I going to do this without you," he whispers into my hair. He brings me in even closer, starting to crush me but I don't care. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with Bidem, Lyal, Amelli, mom and dad. I just want stay. I need them. I don't know how to function without Bidem. He's always been there looking out for me, protecting me. He's the only one that cared about me for so long. Most of our childhood, he was all I had.

"Breaglie, I swear to you, I will get you out of this. Just stay strong and smile. I will get you back," he lies to both himself and me. I don't blame his naive dreams though.

Yet all I can whisper," But my heart is breaking." He lets out a sob but quickly silences himself. I rub my face into his coat. He pulls away but I still want to hug him longer. I ignore the fact that he's let go. Finally, I find myself releasing him.

Bidem violently rubs his eyes with the palm of his hand. I slowly take his free hand and give it a sad squeeze and he squeezes back. Our eyes meet again, both with heartbreak bleeding through them. He forces himself to put my hand in the crook of his arm. I can't watch him anymore or else I will go lock myself in my bathroom. Instead, I rest my head on his shoulder and let him lead me from my room.

As we walk down the hall, it's like walking through my childhood. I see all of our adventure and mishaps, not regretting a single one. I try my best to memorize every little thing we pass. I want to remember it all. I want a perfect image of my home. This little pod is my life... was my life.


We make it to the drop ship and I already am ready to turn and run back inside. I want to run and hide away. I want to wake up, for this all to be some terrible dream. I want at least for this all to be a cruel joke and my family just be like 'just kidding Brea. We are going on a vacation'. But I know that is not happening. I'm just being childish.

My family is already in the ship, patiently waiting for me. Bidem and I hurry in and take a seat directly across from Lyal and Amelli, who are already strapped in. We quickly strap ourselves in as well. Mom and Dad sit to the side of us, their hands linked together and sharing sad faces.

I look back to something happier. I study Lyal with a small smile on my face. Lyal is in almost and exact copy of Bidem's suit, just much smaller. He looks just like a mini Bidem, reminding me of when Bidem and I were that little. Amelli is sitting quietly next to Lyal coloring on her tablet, not giving a care to the world. Her little white dress is being stretched out by her knees and she tugs against it. She uses her knees to prop up her tablet and uses the dress to keep her knees in place, very very smart. Her long dark hair is nicely kept out of her face by a large intricate braid with a broche of our crest.

With a shutter, the ship leaves our base. Other than the start the descent down seems to be pretty smooth. Lyal pulls on Melli's sleeve and she looks over at him. Lyal starts to point to things in the window behind Bidem and me. He tells her facts and stories he has learned from tutoring. Amelli sits there drinking up Lyal's knowledge in awe. She nods her head every time he pauses for a breath. I remember Bidem doing the exact same thing for me.

Bidem would tell me the most random and strange things he learned from tutoring, looking back most of it was probably not true, but I don't care. I would just sit there and listen to Bidem preach all the new ideas that never crossed my mind. I was always so jealous that Bidem got a tutor and I didn't. But once Lyal came, I understood. I am a girl. Guess I should have been expecting this then.

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