Chapter 9

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  Dr. Abignail opens the large wooden door for Percy and me. I walk into the room, forcing every step. I fight every urge within me to run again. It won't do any good. It will only make me more weak and fatigued.

  The room is all white with two large windows off at the other end, looking out to the ocean. The beds are lined up on the wall across from the window. There are five in total all with pristine white sheets. The room smells heavily of disinfectant, which I guess is a good sign. There are curtains pushed back between all the beds and little tables off to the side. On the small metal tables sits a few magazines and a crystalline vase of light pink flowers. A few of the beds have a little armed chair next to them. Percy finds one and drops into it. He slouches down in it, looking just as pleased as me to be here. Great.

  Dr. Abignail comes over to me carrying a gown." Could you please go put this on in the bathroom over there," he asks nicely, so of course I will. How is it such a simple word like 'please' makes me much more willing to do it.

  I grab the thin gown from him with a sad smile. I feel my feet drag with every step I take closer to the bathroom. I know what's going happen after the bathroom and I don't want to do that. So I creep little by little, knowing both men are watching me probably annoyed.

  Once I make it, my heart feels like its in my butt. I close the door and lock it behind me, trying my best not to shake. The exam is going to happen no matter how hard I fight it. Maybe I can just speed my way through it and be done. Maybe Dr. Abignail won't even do a real test. Maybe he'll understand where I was coming from and just know that I am A-okay! I hope.

  I peel off my ruined dress quickly, no longer wanting to look at it. I hate this dress. I slip the scratchy hospital gown on and study myself in the mirror. I see my scraggly bun hanging on for dear life so I reach up and gently take it down. I run my fingers through my hair to the best of my ability, hoping to somewhat calm it. It still is a mess though. I don't care anymore. It's fine. Who cares? Clearly not Percy, I mean I have look awful this whole day and I am still here. Sadly.

  I make myself smile in the mirror but I still look sad so I quickly turn away. The short little gown makes me anxious. I know I need to take off my underwear but what if people get a view of down below? I mean... the only people in the room are Dr. Abignail, who is giving me my exam so he's going to see it no matter what, and Percy, who I am engaged to and will soon be carrying the heir for. Oh my god that is disgusting. Never ever think like that again Breagline! I'll get out of it.

  I open the door and scurry to the table (without my underwear). I quickly sit down with my legs crossed on the bed, making sure the gown was under my butt. Percy's cold eyes follow me the whole way, through all my panic. Then he goes back to the magazine he must have picked up earlier. I sit there awkwardly waiting for Dr. Abignail.

  Shortly, he comes out and is looking at his tablet."Okay, Breagline, the first thing I am going to do is take a look at your feet. I heard they got a little scuffed up from earlier," he smiles then approaches the end of the bed. He grabs one of the spinning chairs and takes a seat down there. He delicately touches the bottom of one of my feet and glance back up to make sure I didn't flinch or anything.

  "Okay," he replies after about a minute," from what I am seeing, none of the cuts are too deep. I am just going to clean your feet, put a little ointment of them, then bandage them up for you. Okay?"

  I nod and he gets busy. It doesn't take him long enough to bandage my feet. Not enough time for me to prepare myself for what is coming later. I know its wrong but I think about moving my foot and making it seem worse than it is, just to waste time. No, no Breagline. Just get this whole day over with at this point. Then he's done.

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