8. Remorse

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May 14th, 1976

I remained in my seat for the final moments of class, picking at my brightly-colored nails as I anxiously awaited the moment until I could be in the presence of the one who'd endlessly been on my mind. I couldn't help the small smile that my lips curled into as his image started creating itself before me.

As soon as the final bell for the school day sounded, everyone in the classroom practically leaped out of their seats, nearly knocking Tara and I down in the process. Somehow, we were able to push our way through the crowd as we began taking the usual walk to our lockers, which thankfully, were near each other.

"Tough class today, huh?" I heard Tara ask from beside me.

I shook my head as I began carefully twisting the combination lock of my locker to start collecting my belongings. "Nah, not really." I shrugged. "I understand the material pretty well."

Tara's eyes nearly doubled their usual size. "So, you're telling me that you understand Calculus?"

I chuckled, putting the last of my things in my bag before closing my locker and swinging the bag over my shoulder. "Honestly, I do!" I told her, unable to contain my laughter from her evident shock.

Before we were able to continue our conversation, I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me from behind. His soft touch sent shivers down my spine, and when I felt his lips give my cheek the softest of kisses, I tried my hardest to hide my evident blushing from Tara, who had already begun cracking jokes.

I turned around quickly, immediately allowing my head to fall into Michael's chest in a warm embrace. His arms wrapped around me in a safe manner, and I breathed in his sweet yet comforting scent, taking not an ounce of the moment for granted. Once I'd realized that Tara was still standing beside me, I pulled away, my cheeks reddening once again.

I held Michael's hands in mine as I searched his gaze for the security he was always willing to provide me with. "Hi."

He giggled at me. "Hey," Michael greeted me softly. "I missed you."

The sound of Tara forcing gag sounds invaded my hearing, and I turned around quickly to playfully slap her arm before turning back to face a radiating Michael. "I missed you more," I responded honestly.

Just as Michael began to lean in to completely cover his lips over mine, Tara faced both of us as she split her hand in the middle of us to separate the long-awaited kiss. "Slow your roll, you two."

"Slow our roll?" I echoed as I used my hand to suppress my laughter. I could hear Michael trying his hardest to swallow down the loudest laugh. "What about you, and your boy toy, Elijah?"

"He isn't a boy toy!" Tara defended herself, throwing her hands up in surrender. She couldn't help the many chuckles that escaped her lips. "He's just..."

"A boy toy," I finished for her. "Exactly my point."

Michael couldn't help the rather-loud chuckle that escaped his lips as Tara slapped my arm much harder than I had before, causing me to nearly choke on my laughter. The three of us then started for the doors of the school, pushing through them with a sense of relief, since the school week had finally been over.

"Y'all are too much," Michael insisted, his hand feeling around for mine as he entwined them gently. "But, you know, speaking of Elijah..." he trailed off as he turned his head directly towards me, flashing me a mischievous grin, which I immediately returned.

I then shifted my gaze onto Tara as I stroked my chin for dramatic effect. "Hey, Tara...you know, Michael and I haven't been out in quite some time, and since you—"

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