1. Confusion

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May 3rd, 1976

I woke up that morning to the sunlight from my window instantly pouring into my bedroom as I heavily opened my eyes. I groaned in frustration, realizing that it was the most hectic day of the week; Monday.

Before I could completely stretch, I heard the ring!ing of the phone on my bedside table. I smiled to myself as I already knew who was on the other end. "Hello?" I greeted, my voice quite raspy from my recent slumber.

"Morning," Imani's soft voice greeted. I smiled once again, my heart leaping repeatedly at her British accent. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," I answered honestly as I began to sit up completely. "And yourself?"

Suddenly, silence filled Imani's end of the phone, and concern instantly made itself know within me. Before I could speak up, Imani had taken a deep breath. "Fine." Her tone revealed more than her words did.

I raised a brow in curiosity. "Are you sure?" I asked, still feeling concerned.

"Yes," Imani answered, attempting to reassure me. "Honestly."

I took a sigh of relief, choosing to believe her words. "Good," I murmured. "I can't wait to see you."

Imani's smile was practically audible. "Same here," she replied. "I'll call you on the way to school, okay?

"Alright," I agreed softly. With that, the call ended, and I proceeded to get ready for what I hoped wouldn't be a stressful Monday.

After I reluctantly completed my morning tasks, I made my way to the kitchen where my siblings and mother were waiting for me. I took a seat in my usual chair before being greeted by them.

"Good morning, my love!" Mother greeted warmly. "I hope that you slept alright."

I giggled at her concern. "I did," I assured her. "Breakfast smells amazing." As the words fell from my lips, Mother had already begun placing plates in front of my siblings and I. I began taking in the different varieties of food as my siblings and I started sparking up conversation.

"So, Mike, how's that girl of yours?" Randy questioned curiously. "Still fine as ever, I bet," he added, causing me to feel a slight twinge of anger.

"Dang, Randy," Janet chimed in. "Takin' every opportunity to hit on Mike's girl."

I cleared my throat in a loud manner as I rolled my eyes. "Not that it's any of your business," I snapped, my uncomfortable state obvious. "But she's doing fine."

We finished up the rest of our breakfast, my brother continuously making flirtatious comments towards Imani, which caused my cheeks to heat up in both anger and embarrassment.

I bid everyone farewell before grabbing my backpack and starting my journey to school. Just as I'd expected, I heard the ring!ing of my phone once again, and a smile was brought upon my face.

"Hi," Imani greeted softly. "How far—"

"Before you ask how far I am," I interrupted as I chucked. "You'll see me any minute."

Imani giggled. "Okay," she said. It was then that our gazes met. We started towards each other, each step we took speeding up in our excitement as I quickly threw my cheap telephone into the smallest compartment of my backpack.

Soon, my arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace as we entered the school campus. Pulling away, I placed an affection kiss on her lips. "Living real close to school comes in handy, doesn't it?"

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