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Trevor POV
I had to slip away from the crowd and get some fresh air. What Samson said to me got to me in way and I just can't shake it off. I mean I was right at the time I was single, not looking for anyone or to do anything, but what happen between Corey and myself was a result of drunk celebration. If that is the case then how come it's still in my mind. Damn it whenever this happens my heart starts beating rapidly and I start to get heated. Having the desire to have his touch again....no no I cannot have these thoughts especially in the position that I am in. Fuck!!!! This is really getting to me!!!

????: Trev....Trev!!!

Huh (turning to my left)

????: You were in your own little world sorry to burst you back to reality

Nah your good, to be honest you were doing me a favor

????: Well as your best friend and your personal assistant it's my job to assist you in these things

Leon you know that you start being my assistant tomorrow right

Leon: I know I know but I-

I know, you can't help it I get it

Leon: So what got your attention that you drifted into your own little world

Take one good guess

Leon:.....him....I thought you moved on from that moment

I know I thought so to until tonight when he called me into his office to seduce me, and that moment can't back into memory and now it just go away

Leon: hmmm something tell me that you sir have a lik-

No do not finish what you are about to say!

Leon: Come on, it's obvious if you keep on thinking about that moment

Look it was just a one time thing and nothing more. Plus I have Samson so there

Leon: yeah still trying to wrap my mind how that happened

What you mean how that happen

Leon: I mean, knowing you, you never broke from your morals and standards and going back to Samson...I don't know....lowering your standard

Are you saying that I became desperate

Leon: Well I didn't want to be so blunt, but since you said it yeah

Well what about you and Deon. Sleeping with him while his wife is around is not proving your case

Leon: I'm not desperate tho. I knew what I was getting into when that slab of meat blessed these melons of mine. Besides he's not happy with his wife anyway. They basically sleeping in two different rooms

But that is his wife at the end of the day. Look we are both in situations that we aren't proud of I must admit. But look where it got us tho on Capital Hill

Leon: Now wait now. It took our hard work and our brilliant minds to be where we are. The men were a bonus. I just want you to have a clear head tho. Tomorrow is your first day being Chief and I don't want you to be slipping

Trust me with me in charge the White House will be running like a strong oil machine. Everyone is gonna be on point unless they want to deal with me

Leon: ok don't go scaring people off with your tyrant ambition. Have a balance

I will have a balance, just will not deal with any foolishness

Leon: I know I know. (Getting up) Look it's getting a little chilly out here I'm heading back inside you coming

Yeah I'll meet you just gonna be out here for a few

Leon: ok (doing their signature handshake, and then walking back inside)

Leon POV

Feeling that warm heat as soon as I enter through the doors ughh I'm loving it

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Feeling that warm heat as soon as I enter through the doors ughh I'm loving it. Like my grandmother always say it's not a summer day out here. Anyway walking back to the grand hall I couldn't help but think on what Trevor said. Maybe I'm digging my own grave by sleeping with the new VP, but fuck he just amazing. Whenever we are together it's like magic, and I'm in his trance. He has a beautiful heart and the moments we share are just simply ughh. You might be thinking I am just a dumbass falling for his tricks, and yeah if I'm with y'all I would agree whole heartedly. But I just can't help it. He just a nice Hershey chocolate bar that I'm addictive to. As I am walking in the ballroom someone grabbed my hand and starts dragging me out the ballroom. I looked and lo and behold it as Deon.

Where are you taking me

Deon: shhhh just follow me (taking me up the stairs to the third floor, then to one of the bed rooms that was empty)

Ok again why are here

Deon: look at you, looking fuckin fine with that suit on...I bet you look better with it off (coming close to me while I back away from him)

Wait what!!! What would happen if someone comes up here and catches us

Deon: Don't worry I set one of my guards on patrol so we have all the time in the world (grabbing me by the waist and pressing his big soft lips on mine, then trying to get dominated to get his wet tongue in)

Damn it I should have control but when you have this beast holding you captive all you can do is give in. Ughhh fuck I'm getting all hot and horny (Deon then attacking my neck and hitting those right spots I wrapped my arms and legs around him)

ughhhh daddy....I need you now!!!

Deon: Your wish is my command (taking me to the bed)

To be Continued.....


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