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Leon POV
No...no...no! This can't be my reality right now. Right now waking up with my ass sore, and next to me the Vice President of the United States snoring deep....and yet so sexy making me wet and bother agai....wait what am I thinking. Omg.....last night....no...no...no Leon how can you be so stupid and fall for his daddy ways...wait did I say that...that's it I need to get out of here and fast. Slowly getting out of bed so that I don't wake him up, and started to gather up my clothes that were on the floor and start putting them on.
After putting my pants on, I felt mini buzzing noises coming from my pants pocket, then it stopped. Damn I forgot my phone was in there. Picking up my shoes I tipped toed myself out the room feeling my legs give in but I pressed on. Before I exited out, I glazed back to see Deon still sleeping peacefully. Look at him, the man that is my forbidden fruit. One bite and time will stand still while passion, lust and freedom takes over to consume you....only when it's all over, time resumes to proceed and reality kicks in, the guilt and shame fills your heart. I guess this is the price dea (buzz buzz buzz) Damn my phone is blowing up. I exited, slowly closing the door and while walking down the hall take my phone out seeing that it's 8:30 and Trevor is calling me, shit! (Answers the call)


Trevor: Where the hell are you! Ive been blowing up your phone all night and this morning

I'm alright, and before you go interrogating me I don't want to talk about it right now

Trevor: We will discuss what happen last night later, right now I need your ass in here preparing for the meeting

Huh?? What meeting are you talking-

Trevor: The meeting with the staff of the White House....you know the one that starts in an hour

Ohh shit!!!!

Trevor: Honestly Leon its only day one and you are slipping

Look I'll be there just give me time to change ok

Trevor: You have thirty minutes, goodbye (end call)

Ughh why me (running/limping down to the first floor where the Trevor's office is)

One thing that I learned from the campaign days is always plan and stay ahead. So I made sure I have an emergency clothes bag behind the door, and a bag with toothpaste, brush and other toiletries in my bottom drawer. Grabbing the bags, I went to the bathroom across the hall closing and locking it.
     I took all my clothes off and unzipped the clothes bag and took the nice blue suit out with baby blue shirt and designer tie. I also took out the white jock strap out as well and took the one I had on off and put it on. I took my toiletries bag to where the sink is at, opened it and took the deodorant and applied it on my armpits. Then took my toothbrush and paste and quickly brushed my teeth. After finishing, I put on my outfit and put my black shoes since I had my socks on, put my dirty clothes in the clothes bag, and toothpaste, brush, and deodorant back in the bag zipped them up and ran back to the office to put them away.
     Soon after I looked at the time and I only had ten minutes left to get to the board room for White House staff which is in the west wing on the first floor so I jet with still a limp to the other side. With two minutes to spare I entered breathing hard-

Trevor: Well you made it on time

Looking up I saw Trevor sitting down looking at some things while seeing everything set on the table

Trevor: You know if you wasn't my best friend I would fired you on the spot

I know I'm sorr (Trevor giving me the look making me shut up)

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