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Trevor POV
Something was off, and I knew it was off the moment my eyes spotted a certain someone. I see the approach that Corey is going for, but it only works for a period of time, and if not held delicately, time will not be in our favor. So while continuing doing my duties through out the day, I took a minute break in doing something that I wouldn't have thought of doing.....I went in the black filing cabinet, specifically the third draw down and opened it and it was empty....but to me I knew what is in there.
     Towards the back of the wall of the draw is a small card key lock, taking the card that is attached to my keys, I slid the card in the lock and immediately it turned green signaling the access of the draw. The back wall of the draw slid down revealing a regular IPhone 7. I took it and active it as soon as it was in my grasp. It ask for my eye identification so I placed my eye in front of the screen, and Siri immediately said, "Welcome Black Widow". I went straight to the only contact that was on the phone, dialed it and waited for the person to pick up

???: Well well well, the black widow decides to come back to his web

You should know better about me, you know that I always mark my territory, and make a nice beautiful web to lay and rule

???: In my perspective, it doesn't seem that you are ruling much

Are you going to make irrelevant judgements or are you gonna listen to your orders

???: Yes sir

I'm going to be texting you a name of an individual, I need you to use your genius of obtaining that persons full dossier

???: Suspecting something off

Let's just say you are providing me the material to create my new web to make an capture

???: You haven't changed at all

I'm giving you three hours to deliver

???: Yes sir

???: Oh and Ricky....don't have too much fun ok

Ricky: Oh trust me this assignment is the boring stuff-

Leon: (opened the door) Oh....sorry, I didn't know that you were in here (seeing I was on the phone) I can come back (I give him the hold on look)

Ricky: Is that my baby Leon....tell him big papa misses him

Three hours (hangs up)

Leon: I heard from the grapevine on what happened, and I know that look of yours that something is up

What is the update on the summit preparations

Leon: Dude I understand you are my boss, but you didn't have to throw that coldness my way

Leon....the updates (looking at him with a serious look)

Leon:......as instructed everyone has recieved in detail their assignment and also were informed to report to you if there are any hold ups.

Good, I need you to take the  lists of names of dignitaries on your desk and start sending the official invitations to them, as well as the different department heads, Supreme Court judges, Senator etc. Ask Helen to assist you in that process, is that clear.

Leon: Yes sir

You can leave (walking to my desk chair to sit while Leon turns to heads to the door, but he stops when he is in front of the door)

Leon: You are starting to change

Pardon me

Leon: (turns to face me) you are beginning to not be the same Trevor that I spoke to at the inaugural ball. That Trevor was my best friend that despite of our positions we will always stay together....but lately I think this new title of yours is making you an entitled bitch

I told you from the beginning, that under my leadership, it will be run like an well oiled machine, and you out of all people know that I never go back to my promises

Leon: Yeah....except the ones you promised to me

What the hell you are taking about

Leon: You promised me that you will balance yourself when being Chief, not getting it up in you head....but look at you barking and belittling me like I'm beneath you

(Getting up from my chair and walked around to the front of my desk facing him) I am balance, it's just this job requires discipline and I'm not gonna fall short cause someone can't keep up, or thinks that I'm too hard on them. THIS is reality, and there are gonna be people in this political business that will treat you like a common slut and abuse your character, change your standards, and make you question your worth. I'm trying to show and teach you that in order to be on TOP of this business is being one step ahead of them and not show them an ounce of wet when under pressure

Leon: You know I needed you at lunch the other day


Leon: You said that we are going to have lunch together and discuss what's going on in our world, and in your world especially...you never came, we never had that talk

I was busy, remember I have a summit to get on its feet

Leon: but you made time for your fake ass boyfriend Samson

Leon....you need to leave now

Leon: Why (getting in my face) cause you know that you are becoming a fake ass bitch leaving his friend behind

Dude back off or else I won't be responsible of what I'm gonna do

Leon: Nah Nah come on Chief, use that power to face the tru-(and in one good punch, he was on the floor, his glasses on the other side, holding his eye in pain while trying to get his mind on what happened)

Now....let that be a lesson to not push me. You still have work to do, and I'm in a grace mood of not firing you ass for pulling that mood. So I would suggest, that you get your ass up and get out my office. (Turing to go back to my chair and sit) oh we are having dinner with important guest so clean yourself while your at it...it's starts at 7pm. You are dismissed

And with that I started to log in my computer. Leon starts to get up and looks at me one good time with silent range, but what kinda paused me in my tracks was the tears coming down his face. Then he starts walking towards the doors, opens it and closes it hard. At that moment I knew that our friendship is not going to be the same.

To be continued....


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