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Corey POV
Satisfying it is when you can prove to someone that they are the MAN in charge even when that person doesn't know. Which is fine cause based on last night I made sure the right person made sure of that. He just needs to accepts it. Patience is a science that I mastered quite well so I have all the time in the world. (buzz buzz, looking at the caller....what the hell does he want)

What do you want Kevin

Kevin: why can't I just check on my br-

Cut the bullshit and tell me what's up

Kevin: Testy are we I see, well to keep the long story short, watch your back

And why do you say that

Kevin: lets just say that you made some big bosses kinda pissed and they want your head

Something I'm not surprised about, but what I am curious tho is how they got you delivering the message instead of telling me themselves

Kevin: Look all I'm saying is that they already made the first move in this chess match

And you should know I always allow my opponents to make the first move. As a gentleman I feel it's my solemn duty to do so. But also it makes the game quite fun actually

Kevin: Just watch your back bro... and btw thanks getting my daughter out

She is my niece after all, now I'm finished wasting my time with this pointless chat I have a country to run (Hanging up)

Now I can get some kind of pea- (buzz buzz) ughh (pushing the button on the intercom)

Yes Sheila

Sheila: Trevor is here to see you

Send him in (ending the intercom call, and seeing my soulmate entering through the door)

Trevor: Mr. President

Trevor we had this conversation before to please call me Cor-

Trevor: Mr. President, do you have the list ready for me I have much to do today

You mean this list in the folder (lifting it up) it's right here....all you have to do is come get it (smirking)

Trevor: look I have no times with these games

Walking fast towards me, and making an attempt to snatch the folder from my hand but I got it away from him, while being able to grab him by his waist, seeing him struggle to get out from my grip with no prevail

Trevor: Could you let go of me

Why should I.....I love the position that we are in

Trevor: HEL- (covering his mouth)

What the hell are you doing

Trevor: Reclaiming my freedom....HEL- (covering his mouth again)

If I let you go would you not yell again (nodding his head I released him)

Trevor: Can I please get that folder


Trevor: No, what you mean no

I mean no you cannot get this folder

Trevor: Ok I'm not playing this game with you, I have a job to do

And so do I, see running a country is a 24 hour business

Trevor: so let me not waste your time and give me that folder

You want this folder so badly huh

Trevor: ok I'm going (turning to head to the door)

We are not done here

Trevor: Well I am (about to turn the knob)

If you walk out the door I'll terminate you (seeing him pause and slowly looking back at me)

Trevor: What

If you walk out that door, your fired of being my Chief of Staff

Trevor: (chuckling) fire me.....you can't fire me

Well being the President of the United States I can

Trevor: You know as I know that without me....your nothing

Is that so (walking towards him with a smirk and the file in my hand)

Trevor: Remember you hired me to bring you victory which I have, but what the people don't know is the secrets that I had to do to ensure your victory....and if they knew, they will destroy you (walking closer to him)

You don't have the guts to expose me like that

Trevor: I wasn't called the "Black Widow" for anything....but since you know that you know that my capabilities shouldn't be questioned

And you should know I love a good challenge (walking close enough to grab him by the waist) dinner tonight

Trevor: No

Let me be more clear dinner with me tonight, or I terminate you

Looking in his eyes I know he is trying to front, but I see the battle raging in

Trevor: I have a boyfriend you k-

You mean that piece of shit....I thought last night would have proven to you that you are wasting your time with him, especially with me on your mind while doing all the work riding him trying to catch a nut

Trevor: You piece of shi-

Shhh (putting my finger on his lips) I know you don't mean that....it's all in your eyes, so what's to gain from fighting an battle that already won

Trevor: why me tho

You are a man of mystery, and I want to discover the man behind the black widow, so that I could give you what you really need (rubbing my lips on his) please baby (let me do that) have dinner with me

Seeing that I have him where I want him, I started to about to kiss those lips of his....

Officer: (barges in) Sir....we have an uninvited guest

To be continued....


Cabinet Addition
Michael B. Jordan as Kevin Jackson
Beta of the Black Thorns

 Jordan as Kevin JacksonBeta of the Black Thorns

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