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Officer: Right this way Mr. President

What is this about

Officer: I don't know all he said was not reveal his identity until you show up

Trevor: Wait if he doesn't want his identity to be revealed how was he able to get through to the security breaches

Officer: we are looking into that sir

Trevor get on the phone with Jason, our head of security. Tell him I want answer ASAP, and on my desk in the next twenty four hours

Trevor: Yes sir (taking out his phone and dialing his number)

Let's get this shit over with (the officer leading us to the west wing conference room)

Deon: (walking my way) I just got the message, what the hell is this about

We will soon find out (opening the doors)

???: Ah...Corey my old friend, it's been years (getting up and walking over me with his hand out, but I didn't shake it) Deon I see you have changed a bit as well

Deon: What the Hell do you want Marco

Marco: Oh come on....I'm just here to pay a visit and give my congratulations to my two chums of mine. Oh and this is my lovely wife Selena (pointing to Selena sitting in the chair next to his) She has very eager of meeting the most powerful man in the planet

Selena: (getting you and walking towards me) and what a pleasure it is to meet a powerful being as yourself (taking her finger and sliding it up and down my chest till I grabbed her finger with a little force then turned it to her palm)

The pleasure is mine (kissing it). I believe the First Lady is in her office, but seeing you here I think she would stop what she is doing to mingle (nodding the officer over to escort Selena to where Lelia is) Now that she is out of the way, what is the REAL reason on why you are here

Marco: Still straight to the point I see. Well if you must know....we have information that an mole has been placed here at the White House.

A mole huh

Marco: Yes, and this mole is assigned to scoop up a certain intel of much interest

Let me guess...someone has contacted you warning you to watch your back and they  coming for you

Marco: Ah so I'm not alone with this

Well the difference between you and I is that I've been dealt with the death hand many times, and look at me still standing with now more power than I can possess

Marco: And I see you still haven't changed with that cockiness (taking a cigarette out his pocket and lighter and lights up the cigarette then taking in the essence of the cigarette before blowing out the smoke)

Deon: With all do respect, which in your case is I gives no fucks, but get to the point of this conversation

Marco: (looking at Tre) My my how rude you Corey, talking about business and shit while this beauty is staying here. (Walking towards him) And who might you be (lifting Trevor's palm)

Trevor: Trevor Wright, Head Chief of Staff to President Jackson

Marco: Trevor.....your name when spoken rolls so well (kissing the palm) pleasure is all mine

Deon: Can we stay focus here

Marco: Patience Deon patience. I though that would be something you would have learned already but I guess you need a good review

Look I have a very tight schedule so I do have to agree with my VP, please get to the point

Marco: Alright. I feel we need to make an alliance

An alliance

Marco: Yes, seems that we both are in the same dilemma so are as I could see, but with an alliance I bet we could show our enemies we are not to be messed with

It's been a fact that showing off muscles is a weak attempt to show firth power. How I operate is through listening and planning ahead quietly. So again you are giving me a weak proposal as in why I should be an ally of yours

Trevor: His intel (Everyone looks over to Tre) He has information in his procession that could give us the upper hand on whatever this enemy has against us. Plus it would be of the countries good interest due to fact that with the Summit approaching, showing that we already have leaders aligning with us would cause other to do the same. It's a win-win

Marco: Beauty & brains....I might have to snatch him up from you Corey

Watch it....but I do agree that at the end we both get what we want....ok Marco we have a deal

Marco: Great (coming over and shaking my hand) and at this moment my secretary is sending you the intel of phase one of their plans

Deon: Wait just phase one, I thought you will have all of it

Marco: Again my friend all in good time

I will check it out as soon as I can, in the mean time I'll have a special dinner prepare for you tonight in celebration of our new arrangement

Marco: I'm sure my wife and I would be honor to partake on it. I must be heading back to my hotel for other business (walking towards the door) but I'll be back prepped and ready for dinner

It's at 7pm

Marco: 7 it is. Gentlemen it's been a pleasure (leaving out the door)

Deon: Dude you are really going to set yourself up of being an alley with that freak

Look remember the old saying goes, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

Deon: Look all I'm saying is I don't trust that guy one bit. He is up to something

Trevor: That's why we need him on our side. So that we could cover all track on our end

Tre tell the Chief to fire up the oven, we are gonna eat good tonight (turning towards Trevor) Oh and I haven't forgotten our deal little one. Just prepare yourself for our dessert date afterwards

To be continued....


Cabinet Addition
Mariano Di Vaio as Marco Leone
President of Italy

Cabinet Addition Mariano Di Vaio as Marco Leone President of Italy

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