Chptr: 14 Decisions and Bets

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Sorry I haven't been publishing, I will try publishing more.... Just have a lot of school.
Anyways ENJOY!😁 And also sorry because everytime I go back to check on my story, chapter 14 and 15 are unpublished... Argh!!

Your POV

I woke up to the noise of (D/N) yelling. I shot up from my room and ran where I heard her screams. I looked everywhere, but I didn't notice that I had my wings out and things were flying everywhere.

I saw (D/N) run towards me and said with a smile, "Mommy, daddy wants to tickle me! Hahaha!!" And Barry ran, human speed, towards me as well.
"Yo! Babe, you good?" He said with concern.
He walked towards me with hesitation.
"I THOUGHT OUR BABY WAS IN TROUBLE! SHE WAS FUCKING YELLING! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! I thought our baby was hurt.. I thought she was hurt.. I thought"
I was sobbing and (D/N) came and hugged me. "It okay mommy. I okay. We just playing. I sorry."
She was hugging me and I was still scared.

I was still traumatized from the speed force. Everytime I heard (D/N) yell, I turned into a scary demon with (Y/F/C) powers and I would always attack anything that hurt my baby. But I was always scared that something bad would happen to (D/N).

"Babe. I'm so sorry.. I really didn't mean to. I love you and I'm so sorry." Barry said, sadness and concern heard in his voice.
"It's okay. I'm sorry I yelled. I'm just... I feel... I'm just traumatized still. I don't know why! Why am I so scared." I cried as my powers calmed down.
"Hey. Hey! Hey. It's okay. Let's just relax, babe. She is here with us and we will take so much care of her and we will not let anything bad happen to her. Okay. I'm with you and I'm with (D/N). We got this. That's why we are getting married babe. I will be there for you when you need me. I love you and (D/N). So we got this. You got this."

Barry hugged me and (D/N) squeezed my legs together. I felt so loved and I wings hid, my skin was normal and I was back to my normal form. I was still sobbing but I felt tears of love running down my cheeks.

"I love you guys so much. You both make me so happy."
Barry's POV

I wonder what happened in the speed force. I wonder what happened to them.. Did (Y/N) get stronger while she was gone?? How can she look like a (Y/F/C) demon, but without horns, tail and evil? She was scaring me, but then (D/N) came and things started to calm down.
Maybe I'll ask (Y/N) what happened.
Right now we need to talk wedding! Aaahhh!! I don't mean to be a girly girl, but i'M sO eXcItEd!!
I can't wait to marry the love of my life! I feel like we've been through so much, but I can't wait for her to be MY wife.

"Heyy bbbbaaaabe...!! We need to look at some venues. Do you want it inside or outside?? I have two for each. Look..."

"These are outside

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"These are outside..."

"Andd ttheese

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"Andd ttheese..."

"Well this one is kind of inside

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"Well this one is kind of inside.. I really liked it. But this one."

"Is so country like! I love it!" (Y/N) sighed and said, "but we have to choose one

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"Is so country like! I love it!" (Y/N) sighed and said, "but we have to choose one." She suddenly said excitedly, "but since I chose these four, you get to choose one, I get to chose one and (D/N) would be the tie breaker."

I looked her in the eyes and said, "Let's make it a bet!" And she started laughing. She stopped laughing, wiped a fake tear and said, "Shake on it. If I win, I would like... Uh... I don't know... ooo, I'd like to go on an online shopping spree, because I would get too tired at the mall, but you have to pay some of it!"
I laughed and said, "and if I win you have to give me one night. And I know that you know, what I mean."
"Yes, now hurry pick so I could go get your wallet." She said getting off the couch and  getting some water and sitting back down but not saying anything.
Ooooo. I love it when my fiance gets like that. I love playing games with her.
I chose the 3rd one and (Y/N) chose (Your choice!). We debated which one was better. I called (D/N) to the living room.
She came running and asked, "Yes dad? What do you need?" She is so cute!
"Heyy sweet pea! Okay you get to choose were me and mommy are getting married, okay?"

"Oh my gosh!!! Yes, woo hoo!!" She was jumping all around.

"Okay, here is mine and here is mommy's.. choose!" I say looking at (Y/N).

"Hehehe, I choose... Uh. Daddy's because I want to take a lot of pictures!"

I got off the couch and started jumping like a kid who got his favorite toy.. I was so happy!!! YES!
"We get it!!! You won!" (Y/N) said smiling and laughing a bit. I knew she was happy as well, but I was even more happy.
"One night." I said whispering in her ear before biting it slightly. She let out a little whimper before saying, "Can't wait."
Good thing (D/N) left before I went to (Y/N) because I sat down on the couch and brought (Y/N) on to my thighs.

For a few seconds we were just looking into eachother's eyes, but then she leaned in to kiss me.
I could feel myself getting hard at the thought of having a night with someone as beautiful as (Y/N). I didn't want to get too far so I said, "Let's... wait... til.. she's... not here." And (Y/N) nodded before grinding on me.
Oh damn.. I can feel myself getting as hard as a brick. I think she did to because she was grinding harder.
Oh my Gosh! I couldn't handle it!
I grabbed her ass and we started moving in sync. I had a thirst for more, but she stopped and said, "Yeah, why not take her now."
She started movv... moving h-her hands.. down to- to her thighs. Ooh her thighs. So fucking sexy.
"Yes. Le-let's t-t-take her n-now." I was stuttering becase I couldn't handle myself.
She giggled before getting off of me.

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