Chptr 24: Argh! The Secret

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Your POV


She was GORGEOUS! Like Zendaya gorgeous!

"Hello Barr. You missed me?"

I gotta admit. I was kind of got jealous.

"Excuse me?" Barry asked.
"Who are you?"

She laughed. "I am so sorry. You guys don't know me here! Well my name is Sofia Olson- Allen.

"Allen?" I said, a little upset.

"Yes." She said with a beautiful smile.

"See, I am from what you guys call the Earth- 4. I married Barry and had a child. But sadly she died. Before she died, the paticle accelerator exploded and she got your 7 powers. She was all better, until she turned into what you called Furrie. So she died quicker, because she was alone in the fight against her ghosts. So I went from Earth to Earth to find her. And in EVERY EARTH! Barry chose you, even if you didn't. EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T!"

She was getting scary mad.

"So that got me thinking. Why is my earth the only earth where Barry is all mine. I went back to my earth and found out. He was with me because YOU didn't choose him. IN EVERY EARTH YOU GUYS HAVE EACHOTHER! But the only difference this earth had was: You, (Y/N). You got the powers instead of her. So, I thought, why not get what I want? My daughter with Barry! So that's what I'm gonna do. (Y/N), I will take everything away from you. Especially the love of my life. See, by the end of all this, you AND ONLY YOU will have to fight your biggest fight! Oh, but don't worry. Your daughter will finish the fight. Of course, when the time is right. Before anything just know: In every earth NO ONE won the war against their ghosts, so. You. Have. No. Hope."
I was going to try and disappear to attack her, but she said.

"Don't try and fight me. It's bot going to work. I know all your secrets and all of Barry's secrets. The sad part is I can't theaten (Y/N) with her secrets because you all already know them. But Barry here is different. Right Barry?"

I turned to Barry and he had an angry face.

"What is she talking about Barr?" I said, not understanding why he was so mad.

"Nothing, she's just trying to get you to turn on me."

"Nothing Barr? Really? Okay, just watch when she finds out.. It will NOT be a 'Nothing' when you find out (Y/N). Bye-bye. Love ya, Barr!"

And that was all, she was gone.


I. Gave. Birth. To. A. Boy.

It's been two weeks since since we met Sofia. Gotta say, prettiest super villian ever.

I gave birth to (S/N) and I was taking care of him.

"Can I see my son?" Barry asked me. I can tell he was nervous.

"Uhm. I guess he his your son. Here." I gave Barry (S/N) and he had tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I ruined everything. I never wanted to be with her. It was before we were fully together."

"Barry. I had just killed Jacob! That's when you got the phone call?! We were fully together! You got the phone call when I explained everything about Furrie! She frickin' called you!" I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I was with her when I was with Iris. She just didn't leave me alone when I was with you.." Barry said, holding (S/N) and looking at his face.

"Barry just... Just go with her before she finds out you're here.. I need to fight the Wraith and Jacob."

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