Loki soulmate one shot

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Request  Dragonwolf515

Third person POV.
(Y/N) held her stomach, she is 8 months pregnant and very happy about it. Also very hungry, she walked down the hallway into the kitchen and straight to the fridge. She smiled at the tine tray, her food was wrapped up or in zipblog bags, well except her yogurt. That is what she is having right now. That's what she is craving right now.

Loki had made her breakfast in bed this morning before he rushed to work, he also made her lunch and some snacks for her

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Loki had made her breakfast in bed this morning before he rushed to work, he also made her lunch and some snacks for her. Loki had stocked up with health foods and drinks.... some unhealthy foods. But he wanted everything to be healthy.

(Y/N) grabbed a water bottle and some grapes before leaving the kitchen and taking a spot in front of the tv to sketch up on some shows she has missed.

She sat there eating the food her love had made her before he had went to work. She smiled at the thought of him coming home soon. She missed her soulmate so much he had only left 9 hours ago and he had 11 hours of work today, there for he only had 2 more house until he can come back.

Well only if Sheild didn't have a mission for him.

Yes he works for Sheild. Odin had banished him to earth for what he had done to everyone. He was abandoned in the streets at night in the pouring rain. He was limping, starving, weak, cunfused, scared, injured and in a shit loud of pain.

(Y/N) had gotten off work late, she missed the bus so she had to walk home. When she was walking she felt her soulmark to glow and hurt. She was determined to find her soulmates. So she followed were her soulmark pulled her towards and she found him crouched down in pain.

Right as she placed her hand onto his back he past out, she took him home with her and helped him out. He was in shocked to find out that a simple human could be his soulmate.

But he didn't deny the help from her. Through the time she helped him heal they fell in love. First he was an asshole, but then he turned charming and. The only human Loki ever cares for is (Y/N) and his unborn child.

Time skip.

After watch 4 episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, she had to get up a couple times to go to the bathroom, but the fourth episode in she was getting board, she hasn't done anything for days. Loki is very, very, very protective of her. He cleans up, he cooks, he does everything, he's constantly with her when he is home.... she's not complaining about that, but she wants to do somthing.

She pushed off of the couch and got to her feet. She wobbled a bit before she walked her way to the sink with her bowl in her hand. (Y/N) started cleaning up her dish.

Loki walked down his apartment hallway with a small smile on his face, he was tired, hungry and just wants his soulmate the woman who is carrying his baby affectation

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Loki walked down his apartment hallway with a small smile on his face, he was tired, hungry and just wants his soulmate the woman who is carrying his baby affectation. He he unlocked the door and stepped into the house. Quickly he could hear the tap going off in the kitchen. He walked down the hallway and turned to his and saw his beautiful pregnant wife standing in an awkward stance doing dishes. He smiled but and walked his way over to her. He placed his hands onto her big belly and kissed her shoulder. "Hello my love. Let me do these for you. Go back and sit I'll be there in a second" loki said softly. "No. I'm doing these dishes. It's you're turn to go sit down. I will be there in n a second" she fought back.

She really just wanted to do the small dirty dishes that she had. She was so fricken board. "Now go, go sit down. You must be tired" she said.

She kissed his lips quickly before pushing him off her.

Loki went to say something but she quickly dismissed him, "No

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Loki went to say something but she quickly dismissed him, "No. No. No o have not done anything these past months and it his so boaring. I always hated doing the dishes, but right now doing the dishes is so much fun" she ranted.

"Ok, ok I got I'll back off for a little bit" he said bring his hands up. (Y/N) smiled, "thank you my beloved trickster. Now go sit down. But if you are hungry there is of course a fridge stocked with food" she said. She turned around and went back to working on the dishes.

Loki stepped over and wrapped his arms around her again and kissed her temple, "I love you my Queen" he softly said. He has been waiting to do this all day, he turned his love around and got onto his knees and kissed her stomach, "And I love you my princess"
He loved placing his head onto her big stomach, he loved knowing that he was the cause of the child in her. His unborn princess another human/god hes going to love forever.

(Y/N) smiled down at him, her finger entwine with his hair. She would usually bend down and kiss his head, but she couldn't. Loki looked up and smiled at her, he got back up and pulled her into a passionately kiss, (Y/N) giggled and pulled away a little bit. "I'm finishing the dishes then I will be with you" she pecked his lips one more time before turning back to the dishes. "I love you too" she yelled out as he walked out of the room and into the living room. He smiled and sat down, he made sure to sit on the couch where he could easily see her.

His eyes stayed locked on the angel in front of him. He wore a smile on his face as he just sat there adoring his soulmate, his pregnant soulmate.

He knew that he didn't need to watch over her all the time, she can take care of herself, but he is a protective soulmate, he has always was.

One time before she was pregnant they were shopping and a male had kept brushing up to her, his eyes would linger his eyes on her for a bit to long, he would follow down ever isle. Loki lost it. Lest just say they do not go grocery shopping there anymore.

But every since she saved and helped him out, she was the only human that he wanted to always be around. She is his light in his darkness and he has always believed that his soulmate didn't want him back. (Y/N) proved him wrong. She would always want him and only him.

(Y/N) finished the dishes a few mintues after Loki left, she turned the tap off and dried her hands off. She smiled at what she had done before she turned her attention to her husband. He smiled brightens as he saw her wobbly over to him. Loki got up from the couch and helped her to sit down, "Thank you my king. How was you're day?" She asks.

"It was great my dear. I worked with Thor and The Hawk man" Loki joked. (Y/N) giggled at him, "Come on Loki you know his name" she still giggling out. (Y/N) placed her hand onto his chest and leaned into him and pecked his lips, Loki shakes his head and smiled down at her, he leaned down and kissed her softly.

The kiss only lasted a few mintues, they both settle down and watched another episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Both slowly fall asleep cuddling each other.

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