Logan Howlett x OC (Part 1)

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Logan Howlett x OC (Part 1)

WARNING: it talks about abuse, theres violence, theres mention or you kind of get that they mention of rape.


This is going to be a series, I don't know how many parts theres going to be. This is of course part 1.

Half way through this I'm going to place this one shot series into it's own book. But not yet.

I don't know when the next part is going to be out.


Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Willow 
Nickname: Liz, Beth, Alex, test tube, 001, 
Age: 560 years old but looks 19 to 21 years old. Immortal
Year: 1456 month: November day: 23 
Hair: black hair
Eyes: bright blue eyes. 
Mutations eye: turns red when she uses most of her powers.
Skin color: very, very pale. 
Height: 5'9
Weight: 119.8
Mutations: chaos Magic Reality warping (scarlet witch powers), Enhanced Flexibility, reflexes, Agility, combat, sense, strength, taste, sight, hear, vision, leap, thievery, speed, etc. Enhanced supernatural powers, phasing, elements, healing her and others, smoke manipulation and through years more will come. (Because of how old she is and being tested on she has gained powers from other mutations)

 (Because of how old she is and being tested on she has gained powers from other mutations)

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Small back story. 
When Elizabeth was 12 she had found out that she had powers but she had to hide it from everyone since being different was a curse and you were to be killed at the spot. At age 19 she stopped aging. 

Third person POV. 

Scott had thought that the ‘small’ mission the team had gone on was going to be small. Not almost destroy an entire abandoned building to crumble to the ground finally. If Charlies didn’t calm her down at the right time they could have all been gone for. He was furious to find out that she had hurt Jean… and Kurt but there was nothing he could do. As they got her in the jet and started their way back to the x-mansion, he didn’t expect in the air that she would start to panic and almost crash them so many times. When they did get back to the X-mansion they tried to get her out of the jet but that was a fight. It took a lot of strength and power to get her out of the jet and into the school and when they did that also didn't turn out well. 

Charlie's rolled past Scott "Just give her some time to calm down and rest. Scott takes Jean and Kurt to the healing quarters" he said. He rolled down the hallway to his office acting as he did not care that an uncontrolled mutant was somewhere in his mansion freaked out. He did care but he knows that she needs her space to calm down on her own. She needs to know on her own that she won't be trapped again. 

Scott was furious on how calm Charlie was being right now. A craze mutant was running wild around the x-mansion and he wasn't going to deal with it. This craze mutant had hurt Jean. Scott shakes his head and  let go of Jean's upper arm and took a couple of steps towards Charlie's "What about the-" Scott started. 

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