Chapter 20 The Maiden's Cry

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DISCLAIMER: This chapter has some short graphic elements(Non-sexual in nature). I Couldn't avoid this, but if you wish to know what they are, scroll down to the very bottom of this chapter and read the authors notes. I don't want to spoil anything to those that want to read it come along. So, go there to find out what they are if you must. I don't want anyone being unpleasantly surprised. I apologize in advance if they were too much. This is a learning experience for me, this writing adventure

Chapter 20

The Maiden's cry

"Damn it, it's locked," Link said, using the full force of his body as he tugged on the latch to the castle door. "Say, maybe those guards that were watching the dock had keys on them?"

"About that," The prince coughed, clearing his throat, pressing his index fingers together. He looked as if he was about to give a confession to the knight.

Hearing the quiver of apprehension in his voice, Link turned to face him slowly. Judging by the look that Sidon was giving him, it must have been bad news, to say the least.

"We just might have ourselves just a tiny problem," Sidon said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to be honest, friend, they probably already drifted many miles downstream. This moat ties into the mouth of the river, after all. They could be all the way to Hylia by now. And well, I didn't search them for anything when I dispatched them,"

Bjorn chuckled in a whisper. "Dispatched. Ha! That's a fair way of saying it."

The Knight cuffed his chin under his mask and pondered a solution. "Well, we can't just bust the door down and barge in, causing a ruckus," he countered.

To their surprise and just as he was about to hatch a plan to get them inside, the door swooshed open violently. Out from the dark of the small corridor, a lanky but armored lizalfos stretched its head outward toward them, visibly agitated and riled. The beast rushed through the doorway, flicking its long, spit covered tongue sporadically, tasting the air.

The ill soldier from earlier gasped as he fell to the ground on his backside, eyes bulging from under his mask, startled by what he saw heading straight for him. The gruesome beast charged out among them toward him first. By sheer instinct, Link braced himself for an attack. And just as he was about to whip out his dirk to slay the reptilian, it stopped its assault, frozen stiff in front of them all.

The others huddled behind Link, also anticipating a skirmish. However, the lizalfos didn't attack them.

"Phew," Link sighed in relief quietly under his mask.

Instead, it snarled fiercely to a screech. Link and his friends all winced at the scream, wanting to cover their ears but kept their hands to their sides, careful to keep the charade. The monster reached out for the terrified soldier who just about soiled himself on the ground in fright.

The gangly creature slobbered and growled at him. And as the foul stenched drool permeated the air and dripped overhead him, it gripped his masked chin with its claws, jerking him up to his feet, thrusting him behind itself through the doorway to get a move on.

In a blackened speech, the foul beast screeched again, shoving the man again, coercing him to march first through the passageway from whence it came. Slow to get back on his feet, the man hesitantly took only just a couple steps, afraid of the darkness of the cold stone hall of the castle ahead of him.

Aggravated by the delay, the monster unraveled a small 'cat of nine tail' whip tied to its waist belt. Angered, it swatted at the man disguised as a bokoblin, spurring him to hurry through the pitch-black passage. The poor man yelped at the slapping sting of the whip to his back, forcing him to rush through. The snap and clapping sound of it alone was enough to make anyone cry out in pain.

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