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"We are liberators of precious antiquities." The words flew threw my head as I pulled in where the helicopters were landing. I knew the words forwards and backwards, those were Nick Mortons famous words. To Justify his looting and stealing of precious antiquities of the world. He certainly knew how to talk himself out of a situation. It never amused me in the slightest. He didn't know I was here but soon he would, the wrath I would lay upon him when I got him alone... He had no idea what was coming. I drove up to this massive hole in the ground. Grinding my teeth together in anger I threw open my door slamming it behind me letting them know I had arrived. I kept my rage under control as I noticed there were other soldiers around the site. My blonde hair was flying with the blades of the chopper winding down. I basically stomped like a toddler up to the Greenway, Morton, and Vail.

"One in which two assholes from long range reconnaissance, that would be you. Run all over northern Iraq, just one step ahead of the enemy. Except, instead of hunting for the enemy you hunt for antiquities stealing whatever isn't nailed down and selling it on the black market. Meanwhile, these fanatical insurgents are trying to erase 5,000 years of history unwillingly covering your tracks. It's a pretty good scam." I caught the tail end of their conversation. Colonel Greenway recited almost the exact words I had told him about Sgt. Morton a year or two ago. 

"Let me guess, you stole a map?" I rolled my eyes he reminded me of the late Jonathan Carnahan. Nick Morton was a well built man, dark brown hair almost black, with green eyes. The first thing that attracted me to him the first time I met him. But, he was just in it for the money and the gold. A lavish lifestyle would satisfy his needs until death. No matter what he did, I was always left cleaning up the mess.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He stated smirking at me knowing I knew he did.

"Sergeant Morton!" I heard a girl scream behind me. I rolled my eyes probably another one of his floozie one night stands. I spun around to see one of my colleagues that got on my nerves an awful lot. Of course, nothing would make this better than 2 blondes and a couple of thieves.

"Where is it?" Ah I knew it. I smiled in my victory. He stole the map from Dr. Halsey. She was involved in some strange things I never wanted to ask about again when I had found out the first time. She was not military and she certainly did not have authority over this scene. Though I knew exactly who sent her, the same man had been trying to sway me over to his company for some time now.

"What? Where is what?" Nick asked her feigning confusion.

"The letter. The map you stole from me." She more than yelled at him.

"Map? How would I... Even have had the opportunity to steal anything from you, Miss?" I rolled my eyes, same old Nick trying to cover his tracks in front of his superior officer.

"NICK! Stop it. We all know your track record! So shut your mouth and just admit you stole the map!" I looked over to Dr. Halsey who was smirking at him.

"HALSEY. You as well. You know damn right you do not have authority here. The US military does and I don't remember you enlisting or signing a contract so get the fuck out of here." I lost my temper that had been bubbling up since the call I got this morning from Colonel Greenway.

"O'Connell, you've made your point. Dr. Halsey is here to take what she can back to a museum in London. To see if there is anything of value down in that cave. She's here because you are military and assigned to go where we go. We are not even supposed to be here. If your unhappy with the situation I suggest you take it up with your boss." Greenway simplified it for me. I frowned and pushed my hair out of my face.

"And it's my job to make sure things of value get out and away from attack zones and enemy hands. Not Halsey." I ground out from my clenched jaw.

"It's looking like we will have to combine forces as it were O'Connell. Two heads are better than one..." I groaned hearing those words come from Greenways mouth. I walked away over to the hole in the ground as the three discussed their business.

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