The Abbey

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We had a car take us to the Abbey near where the plane went down. Nick started walking off in the opposite direction of where the crash occurred. He walked towards the building, the farm animals cooing behind us. He hopped between the ropes that guarded off the building. I followed him as Jennifer followed me. I slowly moved trying to keep as quiet as I possibly could, the leaves crunching beneath my boots. 

"Nick. Nick! Where are you going? The crash isn't up that way. Where are you going?" Jennifer asked him after I had remained silent just following slowly listening to the crickets surrounding us. My eyes adjusting slowly to the darkness surrounding me.

"No. We're in the right place." He told her as we neared the dilapidated building that looked straight out of a horror film. 

"Nick. Nick! I do not know what we're doing here. This isn't the right place." Jennifer kept badgering.

"Jennifer. Stop just follow, relax, what're you scared of the dark? If it bothers you just leave." I whispered at her. She sighed crossing her arms as she continued following me. 

"The main crash site, it's up that way and so is my artifact. And that's where we are going." She said to me. I sighed as she started to walk off. I continued forward with Nick into the church. I looked around seeing the bricks exposed like this gave me a weird feeling. Like the building had been bombed in a previous lifetime. I wrapped my arms around myself seeing the crows flying around. Nick walked down some stairs, looking around.

"Jenny?" Nick asked looking straight at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Nick, she left, she went outside." I told him as he stumbled up back up the stairs to where I was.

"Nick? Elizabeth?" Jenny yelled to us. I quickly moved towards the shadows just watching as Nick wandered off. I knew something wasn't exactly right here, however, there would be no point in getting kidnapped with him by an undead mummy. I followed behind him sliding between pillars, the shadows concealing me perfectly. The mummified search and rescue officers jumped Nick and moved him to an alter. Ahmanet jumped on top of him, she seemed very alive!! I knew it! Her enslaved circled Nick, as I looked around trying to figure out a plan to get him out of this weird situation. She opened his mouth with her fingers gazing at his perfect teeth. She quite forcefully ripped his shirt up to reveal his stomach.

"Ok. Ok." Nick spoke and laughed as she started to graze his stomach with her long undead fingernails.

"GOD OF DEATH" I heard as she smashed the head of the angel sitting next to the altar and grabbed out the dagger. Though it was missing it's jewel. I smiled as I stood behind the pillar poking my head out to watch her.

"POWERFUL SET I WELCOME YOU INTO THIS MORTAL BODY. UNITE TO ME FINALLY." I cringed at that and decided now was the time to make myself known. I pulled my gun out from my side and kicked a rock sending it into the altar.

"Hey! You creepy bitch. No one gets to do that, except me!" I yelled at her. She looked at me and screamed. Her other friends heads all turned towards me.

"Elizabeth!!! RUN!" Nick yelled at me. I started taking shots at about five different sucked dry humans. Jenn showed up behind me at some point but took off running the second she saw what was going down. Ahmanet ran towards me and I spun around and started to run after Jenn. Nick could handle the others himself, I did some damage but not nearly enough to save him. He had the experience he needed to get himself out of there. Ahmanet appeared in front of me grabbed me by the neck and pushed me into a pillar. I struggled to breath as she gripped me tighter. I quickly headbutted her trying to get her to loosen her grip on my neck. She screamed in my face then threw me off to the side into some pews. I got up quickly. But she was too fast for me. She grabbed my neck again. Just about to suck me dry and use my flesh and organs to regenerate. Nick came up behind her and stabbed her with the Dagger of Set. She let go of me and I grabbed the dagger out of her and stabbed her again. Nick grabbed my hand as I retrieved the dagger from her body and we started running out of the Abbey.

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