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It didn't take long for search and rescue to come find me. I was just unclipping from my parachute when I heard the helicopter blades overhead. They had repelled down to come get me, I was not happy with how I would have to get on another aircraft again. Slowly and surely I made it back to civilization. Everything was a blur, but at the same time it was like I was moving in slow motion. I made my way to the hotel, realizing that I had lost everything. All of my notes, camera, computer, sarcophagus. The Marine Corp had paid to put me up in this hotel, it was very nice. Lavish, something Nick would have enjoyed. No. I couldn't think about that now, I needed to throw myself into work. I moved away from the door to my hotel room and quickly walked down the hallway. I wanted to get to the British Museum of Antiquities. I walked outside noticing the cloudy skies and rain threatening to pour down on me. I talked to a guy outside where I got a taxi to take me to the museum. The ride wasn't long. I paid for the taxi with my military issued credit card they gave me for emergencies. I got out and stared at the structure as the cabbie thanked me and drove off. The architecture itself was breathtaking, the columns that lined the outside reminded me of the Lincoln Memorial.

"I figured I'd find you here." I heard the familiar female voice behind me.

"Jenny!" I spun around and saw the girl who looked broken beyond all belief. I hugged her quickly then let go and composed myself.

"Seems you had the same idea I had." She told me.

"Yes, I wanted to see if I could find anything on Menehptre." I said to her, she nodded slowly and linked our arms pulling me into the museum. The museum had been rebuilt from the horrors of the last mummy encounter. The inside was modern and security was tight much like any airport security checkpoint. We went through relatively quickly, seeing as it was a weekday, no one was really here. I picked up a map at the otherside while Jennifer was being checked. The Egyptian wing was in room four on the left side about three lengths of space to cover. The research room on the first level would be where we would be going next.

"Alright. Where to?" Jennifer asked.

"Ancient Egypt." I replied as I started leading us towards the Ancient Egypt room. Stopping, I looked at the map again seeing there was more to discover on the upper levels although it was early Egypt, there were mummies we could examine.

"Elizabeth?" I heard bringing me to a halt.

"Grandpa?" I spun around seeing the man in a wheelchair being pushed by his wife, Victoria. Her hair had lost it's blonde color and turned white though she still had the spring in her step. My grandfather, worse off, unable to walk by himself, his wife doted on him the best she could. 

"Sweetheart, if I knew you were coming I would have met you when you first came in." My Grandma told me.

"I'm sorry it was kind of a spur of the moment decision I had no idea you guys would be here!" I exclaimed running up to hug both of them lightly. I could've known Alex had become the curator very soon after his mother had passed. 

"My my she looks just like you did at that age." Grandpa uttered out.

"Any new adventures?" They asked me. My grandparents would be of the utmost help for this specific piece of information.

"Yes, actually. Oh my gosh I'm so rude. Grandma, Grandpa, this is my colleague Dr. Jennifer Halsey. We were actually coming to see if we could find information on this dig we just came from." I told them as Jennifer walked up beside me to shake both of their hands. 

"It's very nice to meet you Dr. Halsey." Alex started.

"What's this dig?" Victoria asked.

"Well actually we've come from Iraq. Get this, we found an Egyptian sarcophagus the name on the inscription said Ahmanet, daughter of Menehptre." I told them, the spark in their eyes as they processed the information had me smiling.

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