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I let my arms drop to my sides as I slowly acknowledged the man in front of us. I simply could not believe it. Jenny had told me the man was alive. He was a strange fellow-- the specimens in jars confirmed it, he was just a dissociative identity disorder, nothing I haven't seen before. Just think of the guy in Split. No one around him seemed to understand classic cases such as this one, generally lived in seclusion, hidden away from society slowly trying to get a hold on their other personalities through psychiatrists. However, it seemed he was making due. He strode towards his desk opposite the couch that I had previously occupied.

"Make yourself comfortable?" He asked Nick and I. I looked towards Nick his expression complex. He did not know who the man standing in front of us was. He could be very dangerous which is why I had declined every job he had offered to me.

"Who the hell are you?" Nick asked uttering out the words knowing the man was not to be trusted.

"Who am I? The more relevant question, Mr. Morton is: Who exactly are you? In theory, I know all about you. Army reconnaissance, decorated soldier and page after page indicating a deep and troubling moral attitude. But you see, this file contains nothing of any real value to me. That's why I wanted to see you face to face. Along with the incredible badass Dr. Elizabeth O'Connell, graduated from the University of Cambridge with two doctorates in psychology and archeology. Esteemed military connections, decorated soldier as well. Highly intelligent and beautiful." Dr. Jekyll-Hyde said to us. I rolled my eyes as he threw our files down onto the desk.

"Who are you?" Nick asked again perplexed. As Dr. Jekyll crossed the room to both of us getting into Nick's personal bubble.

"I am a doctor." He answered. I scoffed and crossed my arms. The epitome of doctor for him seemed almost completely unlikely. However, he did have his own accomplishments.

"Doctor?" Nick asked, looking at me with a question in his eyes.

"Dr. O'Connell does not share the same pedigree. We do not share the same ideals, it's why she has been turning down my job offers since she graduated. Turning down the thousands of dollars I would've thrown at her." Jekyll smiled as Nick looked at me and I just shrugged at him. I never told him based on the incessant questions he would ask and the fact that I did not care to explain what dissociative personality disorder was.

"Chemical pathology, neurosurgery. Fellow of the Royal Society. Also a lawyer." He said to both of us. I cracked a smile.

"Not a very good one." I told Nick the insult rolling off Dr. Jekyll's back. As he pushed past the both of us towards the table laid out behind us that looked like something out of an insane asylum. They hadn't used those in ages.

"My name is Jekyll. Dr. Henry Jekyll." He explained to Nick. As he picked up a sophisticated looking syringe. "There you are. These days, I specialize in immunology, perhaps." He said as he walked back towards us the 'vaccine' in hand. "Infectious diseases perhaps. I would like, If I may, Mr. Morton to tell you a story. A story about a patient of mine. A man of promise. A man who believed he was beyond reproach until he got ill. The disease manifested itself in subtle ways at first. And then it grew into an overwhelming desire, an unquenchable thirst..." He readied the syringe flicking the vial as he went about to inject himself. He placed the needle to his skin and sighed as the fluid hit his blood supply. Before his voice changed into one of a much deeper vernacular. He moved to sit down in his seat behind the desk. "For chaos. For the suffering of others. He was quite fortunate. He himself was a physician. And if evil were a pathogen to be reasoned, then there must surely be a cure. I would like to, if I may, Mr. Morton to show you something." He crossed the room coming back into our faces his voice changing back to normalcy. I smirked putting the pieces together. He had our mummy. Moving again to the locked scanner door he placed his palm on it, it scanned and upon recognition of the disgraced Doctor it opened with a click and we all walked through it. I looked in awe as I saw the room we had entered. Beautiful medieval architecture. A grand skylight above where Amhanet was being held in a circular prison. She was being held by chains as steam rose up to create an eerie scene. She looked up glaring at me. I looked to Nick behind me and saw his expression had not changed. He looked altogether, unfazed.

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