Blind Hope

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I quickly found Nick some clothes that he needed and rushed back to the morgue. There wasn't anything I could explain to him being alive, all I knew was that I was incredibly happy he hadn't died on that plane. I threw the clothes at him and he put them on almost falling down when he put his pants on. The bodies that were there, were those of soldiers, Greenway, and the pilots. I quickly signed the forms outside the morgue so we could get out of there as quickly as possible. I texted Josephine letting her know we would be going to a bar and to come as soon as she could, we may need some help from Rick and her after all.

"Got it, we'll be there soon as we can." She texted back almost immediately. I quickly got a cab for Jenny, Nick and I and we left. The only reason we were going to this shoddy bar was because Nick had requested it, it wasn't my scene but surely I did need a drink. We arrived outside meeting up with Josephine and Rick.

"Nick!" Rick exclaimed as he saw us get out of the cab. Nick and Rick had a weird bond, I didn't like to dwell on it.

"Rick. How great to see you! God you haven't aged a day!" Nick replied happily shaking my Great Grandfather's hand. He eyed my Great Grandmother up and down. I shuddered watching as his interest peaked. "Josephine! You're looking stunning as ever." Nick continued talking going to hug her, she dodged him skillfully and curled into the arm of her husband. I could tell she wanted to get the knife out of her boot and teach him a lesson, but she had decided against the potential police encounter that would occur.

"Well now that we've got settled, how about we go inside?" I asked them. Everyone nodded I could tell they wanted to get out of this weather as soon as possible, it looked atrocious just waiting to rain down on us.

"A US military plane crash landed in Surrey this evening just missing Waverley Abbey." The TV rang out as we took our seat at a table. I ordered some shots to get the conversation flowing smoothly. Nick downed about five before we started to talk to him.

"How did you get out of that plane? There's not a single scratch on your body." Jenny started the conversation.

"Yeah." Nick replied downing another. Rick looked at him with eyes that could kill.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked me.

"You saved my life." I replied to him wondering if he'd forgotten those three words he said to me before he pulled my chute.

"You would have done the same for me." He said as he downed another shot. I nodded slowly, remembering I would have sacrificed Jenny to save him.

"Listen, Nick. I think you should know something. You know I work with a group of archaeologists." Jenny started talking again, annoyed I rolled my eyes and downed one of Nick's shots he looked at me like I had just shot his puppy. I shrugged at him.

"Keep going..." Josephine urged the woman opposite her to continue talking as she sipped on her beer.

"Well we developed this theory that an Egyptian princess had been erased from the history books deliberately. We've been searching for something called, 'The Dagger of Set'." Jenny continued.

"A ceremonial knife with a large jewel at the hilt. Set is the Egyptian God of death. And legend has it that the dagger and the stone together had the power to give Set physical form. I'm convinced it was hidden here, in Europe. Stolen by crusaders centuries ago. It would make sense with the recent find underneath the new crossrail right before we found the tomb in Iraq." I told the group.

"You know I actually found a reference to it in a manuscript written by a crusader knight that suggested the dagger was broken apart. That the stone was buried with this knight somewhere here in England." Josephine continued for me. I rose my eyebrows at that information. Of course. It all made so much sense now.

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