Stronger- Naruto x Reader

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(Not edited) [based in Shippuden]

To say that today was a bad day, would be a complete understatement. Today was one of those days where you just want to scream and punch at everything that got in your way. Why would I feel this way, you asked? Well, it all started when me and my 'best friend' were at the training grounds. Him being my friend, and also my greatest rival, we decided to have a little friendly competition. It was a simple bet, the one that knocks the other one to ground gets a free meal, nothing to much right? Wrong. Even though I am fully confident in my shinobi abilities and am a full fledged chuunin, I knew I was doomed to lose from the start. Why? Because my opponent was Naruto Uzumaki.

You're probably saying, 'he's still a genin, you can take him!' WRONG. He might be a genin, but he fights with all his strength, which is more jounin than anything. Why is it that I can't beat him at least once? I know I'm getting better and stronger, but he just excels so quickly that it makes me want to crawl in a whole and rot. I know I shouldn't be thinking this way about my 'best' friend. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be this 'good'.

After being knocked to the ground for the millionth time, I got so angry that I just couldn't take it anymore. I punched the tree to the ground, turned around and walked up to his big smiling whiskered face, punched him and ran away. Hearing his repetitive calls, "(y/n)-chan" over and over again, I still didn't look back. I was too ashamed, too ashamed that I couldn't once beat him.

You're probably thinking, 'just go apologize' well, sorry to bust your bubble, but it doesn't work that way. Not when you've been humiliated too many times.

Walking across Konoha, I decided to go sit at the swing across from the academy. Swinging my legs gently up and down to get the swing to sway just a bit so I'm not completely still. "(Y/n)-chan," I hear in the distance, foot steps getting closer and closer. I don't budge or even look up, until I feel all too familiar presence right in front of me.

"(Y/n)-chan, what's wrong? Why'd you run away?" Naruto asked, voice filled with concern and slight confusion. (I guess he didn't really mind me punching the shit out of him). "You, you just.. You always win. It's like every time I think I'm getting stronger, you always end up knocking me down, all I want to do is be as strong as you," I spoke, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill out like a geyser ready to explode. "Listen, (y/n)-chan, remember that time when we first met?" Naruto said, sitting down in front of me on the grass, to which I get off the swing and sit in front of him too. I nod, looking into his cerulean eyes.

"When you stood up for me when that old lady was about to lash out on me, that was the most courageous thing I've ever witnessed. You were so strong, and at that moment I made a promise to myself to be as strong as you one day," He told me as he put each of his hands on my shoulders, looking me straight in the eyes. "Without you here to guide me and help me, I would have never gotten this strong. You help me get strong just by being alive. You don't know how much that means to me, and when I see you upset, it makes me so mad at myself because I made a vow to protect you, and a mental vow to always see you happy."

A smile tugged at the edge of my lips, he looked at me and I looked at him for what seemed like forever. He understood me, just like I understood him. He always has a way to make my mood go from total zero to one thousand in a millisecond. I couldn't take it anymore, I crashed him into a giant hug. His strong arms wrapping around me tightly, my face snuggling into the crook of his neck. He was right, we are best friends, even more than best friends. One thing for sure, we make each other stronger.

Finally, I get up, and reach my hand out to him. The sunset baths him in orange and red fluorescent lighting, making him look like an angel. He grabs my hand and I pull him up, "come on, I just remembered, I owe you some ramen." His face lights up and he runs after me, both of us walking side by side.

Naruto, you are truly something special.

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