Tough Decisions

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Now that visitations are over, the peacekeepers escort me towards a door of what I can only assume is the bullet train to the Capitol. One we arrive, they let go of me and watch me as I step inside, slamming the door behind me. Looking around, I feel so out of place. The train is so elegant with velvet carpets and gold platters filled with expensive pastries and fruits. I also see a seating area with two double seat black leather couches similar to the one I sat on during visitation. One is propped up horizontally against the back of the train with a small end table of glass-like candies to the left with the other black leather couch stretched vertically to the right. In the center of these couches is a black monitor. I decide that a view of the monitor will probably be important once I meet my mentors, so I sit on the left cushion of the horizontally placed leather couch distancing myself from the unsettlingly perfect bowl of candy. I sit down for a few moments of silence, still taking in the sights of the train until I hear the door open. The peacekeepers shove Thomas in the room and slam the door. Scanning the room, he catches my stare and breaks the silence,

Clearing his throat, he mumbles, "Fancy stuff, huh?" Glancing at the display and back towards me.

"Yeah, fancy," I replied, awkwardly.

Chuckling at my awkwardness, he walks over to examine the dessert display. Hovering over a gold platter filled with pastries, he looks up at me, "Have you gone in yet? They wouldn't try to kill us before the games, would they? It would be too wasteful." He jokes, flashing me another contagious smile.

Looking at the desserts and then back up at him, I shrug, "Never can be too careful." We both looked at each other for a second after my remark and simultaneously break out into laughter. Our merriment is soon cut short when we hear the car door open once more and see Finnick and a small grey-haired lady entering the train.

"Hellloooo Lucky Tributes," Finnick greets, crossing the room to sit on the couch adjacent from me. He puts his arm up on the armrest and crosses his legs. With his other arm, he reaches up and runs his hands through his golden hair, looking up at Thomas and me with a devilish smile.

"Why all the frowny faces?" He laughs as he glances at me. I notice he is wearing a purposefully unbuttoned white blouse tucked into way too tight black pants and dress shoes. Despite his confidence, he seems to move uncomfortably as if he didn't pick the outfit himself. A stupid smirk creeps onto his lips after he notices I've been eyeing him, which edges me to retort, "Oh, trust me, I'm smiling on the inside."

This remark only wides his playful smirk, "I'm sure you are," he adds with a wink before turning to Thomas, "and what about you? Trying for a last-minute bulk up?" He teases as he watches Thomas chomping down on the displayed sweets. Thomas, however, is not thrilled with this comment and just grunts as he shoves more of the decadent pastries in his mouth.

"Well..." Finnick begins as he looks back at me. "I guess I better introduce myself. I'm Finnick Odair, victor of the 65th Annual Hunger Games." He turns to look at the old lady who is still glancing around, seemingly deciding where she should sit. "And this is Mags, she is also a victor and will be mentoring you guys as well." Mags looks up and smiles at Thomas and me, which makes Finnick clarify, "Oh, and by the way, Mags here is mute due to an injury during her games, but don't worry she doesn't need words to let you know what's on her mind." Mags shoots Finnick, a quick smile for his comment, and then decides to join me on my couch. Taking a seat to the right of me, she reaches over and picks a hard candy from the bowl next to her. Then she turns and offers it to me.

"No, thanks," I say, politely. Mags nods and then promptly gets to work unwrapping the candy. I watch her for a moment and realize just how small she is. I'm not very tall (maybe 5'6 on a good day), but Mags is probably not even 5'. I can't imagine this tiny woman hurting anything, let alone killing another tribute.

I wonder how she won her games...

Then suddenly, for the first time today, a positive thought passes through my mind.

If she can win, so can I.

Breaking the silence, Finnick continues, "Okay, great, now that we are all friends, let's talk strategy." Standing up, he walks over to the monitor on the wall and turns it on, showing the reaping video of the District 1 tributes. I see two brown haired tributes smiling and waving at the camera. Turning back to face us, Finnick begins describing each of the tributes by their district. I take mental notes of what Finnick says about each of the tributes.

District 1: Titus (the male tribute, 18yrs, very tall and sturdy with light brown hair pulled into a ponytail displaying his cold blue eyes) Finnick says he is good at hand to hand combat but especially dangerous with an ax. Conclusion: Very Lethal.

District 1: Raven (the female tribute, 17yrs, a stark difference from her male counterpart, she is wearing her light brown hair in a side braid which drapes over her relatively short and thin frame) Finnick added that she is good with a bow but nothing physical. Conclusion: One of the worst female volunteers from District 1, definitely Not Lethal, and an alliance is most likely not worth the effort.

District 2: Oliver (the male tribute, 18yrs, similar build to Titus but with short dirty blonde hair) Specialty: climbing and very skilled with a spear. Conclusion: Lethal and Possible Ally.

District 2: Shayra (the female tribute, 18yrs, also relatively tall and muscular, pixie cut blonde hair and sinister dark brown eyes) Finnick notes that she is very good at close range combat but especially dangerous with dual swords. Conclusion: Very Lethal and intelligent. Then Finnick adds possibly psychotic judging by the menacing smirk she wore during her reaping.

District 3...

Finnick is cut short when Thomas elicits a very obvious yawn of boredom. This action does not sit well with Finnick as he crosses his arms over his chest and asks, "Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you with this potentially life-saving information?"

Thomas pops another pastry in his mouth and explains, "I have no intention of joining the career pack, so sorry if I'm not that interested in learning about them."

Finnick raises an eyebrow in surprise, "okay, what's your angle then?"

Thomas swallows his food and thinks in silence for a moment. Then he looks up at me and continues, "I want to be on a team with Annie and only her, District partners are the only ones you can trust in the arena." Finnick glares at him and then directs his gaze towards me, and his face softens. "Is that something you would like to do?" He asks me. His gaze is intense, and his sea-blue eyes are piercing but also soft. I don't think I've ever been this close to him before. I've heard rumors about him, and I've seen him from afar upon on stage with the other victors, but having him here in front of me is surreal. I can see why he has so many Capitol lovers; he is beautiful. Catching my thoughts before they get out of hand, I look down and away from his face so that I can think clearly about my next move.

"I think I'm better off with the careers since I don't have much combat experience to protect myself," I say with a hint of uncertainty.

I mean seriously, I was just reaped like an hour ago. How can Thomas expect me to have a survival plan already?

"Fine then, I'll be alone," Thomas replies apathetically. He grabs a few more pastries and walks over to asks Mags if she can show him to his room. Mags nods, and Thomas helps her up. Latched on to one another, they walk out of the primary car leaving Finnick and I alone in silence.

The Story of a Mad Girl [Annie Cresta x Finnick Odair THG Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now