It's Not About Her

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I wake up after my first decent night of sleep in the Capitol. Sliding out of bed and grabbing the silk grey robe hanging next to my door, I head for the dining room for breakfast. As I approach the door, I hear Finnick's voice. Judging by his tone, it sounds like he is arguing with someone. I lean against the door and listen in before deciding if I want to intervene.

"No! How many times do I have to tell you, she won't be comfortable in that!" I hear Finnick yell slamming something on the table making the plates clatter.

"It's not about her! It's about the sponsors and they will all be attending the parade today!" A familiar female voice adds with frustration.

Parade? Does she mean the tribute parade?

"She can get sponsors wearing something more than a fishing line you know!" Finnick snaps, matching her frustration.

"We need an outfit that will make her desirable to the potential sponsors, something that stands out and trust me this design will do just that!" Novena explained.

With that, I decide this is probably a conversation worth joining and open the door. In the dining room, I see Finnick with his hands placed firmly on the table next to a spilled cup of coffee probably a result of all the table slamming I heard earlier. Across the table holding a cup of tea is Novena advertising her signature bizarre style with a bright green plastic dress and matching green hair. And finally sitting calmly at the end of the table is Mags enjoying the show. Mags waves at me promoting Finnick and Novena to turn and see me standing in the door.

"Wonderful!" Novena says as she beckons me to come closer, "Dear, what would you like your outfit to be for the tribute parade? I need to run a few ideas to your stylist before you meet with her today!"

Slumping down into the chair at the end of the table I shrug, "I don't know much about Capitol fashion, but I've seen enough designs to know that I don't want anything too revealing" I say looking at Finnick and remembering his parade. The image of poor fourteen-year-old Finnick with nothing but a net draped around his crotch pops into my head, making me chuckle.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do but no promises. Remember to meet me at the stylist area in two hours! Don't be late or I'll have you go out naked!" Novena adds as she leaves the dining room and slams the door.

Looking over at Finnick, I question her threat, "Is that a promise?" I ask. This makes him laugh and Mags and I join. I grab the dish in front of me and reach to make myself a plate of food from the spread out on the table. If anything, the one nice thing about living in the Capitol awaiting imminent death is that you are never hungry. Buffet spreads are provided for every meal. While I eat, Finnick goes over the basics of the tribute parade as Mags prepares a plate of food to bring to Thomas. After I finish eating, we head over to meet my stylist.

Once we arrived, a young woman's voice shouts at us from across the room, "Finnick!". She emerges from the crowd of waiting stylists and walks towards us. She is wearing a tight purple jumpsuit with matching short purple hair and huge silver chandelier earrings.

As she arrives in front of us, a playful smile crosses her lips, "Hi good looking, it's been a while" she jeered looking at Finnick.

"You aged horribly" Finnick teases back which elicits a gasp followed by a quick slap from our stylist.

Then she glances over at me and introduces herself, "And you must be Annie! My name is Odette and I was Finnick's stylist during his games and now I'll be yours during the rest of your time here in the Capitol."

Offering her hand, I reach out and we shake. As I try to retract my arm, she tightens her grip, "First things first" she pulls my arm towards her and inspects it, "Marv! Bring me some wax" she yells to her assistant. Letting go of my arm she grabs my jaw and pivots my face inspecting it too. "Actually bring the whole pot, we are going to need it..." she adds while looking back at Finnick, "She'll be fine you can step out now."

Before Finnick can leave I object, "No, please, if you don't mind I'd like him to stay". This causes a smirk to slide across Finnick's face leaving me in a state of confusion intensified with the onset of Odette's laughter.

"Okay, if you're okay with stripping in mixed company, by all means, he can stay. We must get you cleaned up before you can dawn one of my designs" she teases.

Instantly realizing my mistake I look at the ground to try and hide the red hue spreading across my cheeks, "Nevermind, I'll see you later Finnick." I say promptly tucking my hair behind my ears. I feel him move beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "It'll be fine. I'll be right outside if you need me okay?" he promised.

I look up to meet his blue gaze and am reassured by his confident expression and I realize that he had a way of making me feel safe. I nod and watch as he walks out of the room. When I turn back to my stylist I see Odette standing with a knowing smile and a hot pot of wax in hand.

"Let's get started shall we?" she beamed.

The Story of a Mad Girl [Annie Cresta x Finnick Odair THG Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now