The Arena

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I wake up alone in my room with a small folded up piece of paper where Finnick once was. I quickly grab it, unfold the note, and read it.

I'm still with you.

This makes me smile. He's right. Holding this note, I feel warm again. As if he was sitting next to me, speaking the words himself. I sigh and hug the piece of paper to my chest. Unfortunately this warmth is short-lived when I hear my door slide open. I look up expecting to see Novena, but instead I am shocked to see two peacekeepers standing in the entrance. They march into my room and ask me to come with them. I obliged and let them lead me away, still in nothing but my nightgown, into the tribute prep area where I see Odette waiting for me. We smile at each other and I look down to see she has a long black bag in her hand. I assume is the outfit I will wear in the arena.

"Hi dear," Odette greets as she walks over to  pull me into a hug.

"Hey, Odette," I say into her shoulder as I wrap my arms around her. She must have felt my anxiety because when she pulled away from the embrace, her warm smile had vanished.

"Your shivering! You must be cold. Let's get you dressed, shall we?" She says quickly, probably hoping to brighten up the mood. Truthfully I wasn't cold. I was shaking from anxiety, but I went along with her anyway. Id have to change eventually anyway.

Once she finished helping me put the outfit on, she stepped back to inspect me. My outfit is a tight black wetsuit layered with a large hooded parka coat. Finnick must have been right about the arena being cold because the parka was lined with fur and cinched at the waist with a belt. I was also given matching gloves and long black boots with miniature metal spikes lining the bottom.

"There. All done," Odette says as she nods to the peacekeepers who were standing by the transparent tube waiting for me. One of them turns to press a button that opens the tube doors. My face goes pale, and I turn back to Odette, who offers me her hand. Taking it, I let her lead me to the tube. Once we approached it, I nervously let go of her hand and step inside.

Turning back to face Odette, she smiles at me mouthing "good luck" as the tube doors slam shut, sealing my fate. With a parting wave, the ground beneath me awakens as I am suddenly raised. I look up to see the cylinder roof above me slide open letting in a gush of cold air from the arena. My platform continues to rise until I am entirely out of the tube and into the icy nightmare.

Looking around, I see the other tributes dressed in the same outfit as I. Everyone is on their pedestals lining the rim of a giant iceberg floating the middle of a vast lake. It is freezing, and I can see icebergs floating in the water. We are all gathered in a massive circle on this iceberg in the middle of a considerable body of water. Looking around I feel like something is missing. Then it hits me.

The cornucopia is nowhere in sight.

Instead, I see that in the center of the iceberg are three lifeboats that seem to be able to fit about five or six people. Searching for the cornucopia, I examine the arena. At the north end of the lake is a poorly built dam with a huge stream bursting out one of its cracks. At the south end there is a rocky beach that leads to a forest, and behind it, a tall snowy mountain (with the cornucopia resting on the top). As for the East and the west sides, all I see is the water that seems to go on forever. I look down at the lake and realize that the waterfall coming from the dam is creating a strong current that will sweep away anyone who isn't a practiced swimmer. Also, the freezing water will kill anyone who isn't a fast swimmer and stays in it for too long. I realize that means most of the tributes will die before reaching land, which means this year's bloodbath will be massive.


I flinch at this thought. I hate myself for being relieved by the death of others. Finnick's words ring through my head.

The games change you.

I am suddenly brought back to reality when I hear the countdown get louder.


I look around at the tributes and see Titus and Shayra in a running stance with eyes of fiery determination. Shayra even has the nerve to smile...


I scan the other tributes and see Raven shifting her feet uneasily and glancing around the tributes as well.


I catch eyes with Oliver, and he points towards the boats. Understanding his message, I nod and prepare to run.


I tear my eyes away from the boats one last time to see Thomas staring back at me. I feel my anxiety ease as his warm hazel eyes calm me. Shooting him a quick smile, I turn my focus back on the boats.


I jump.

The Story of a Mad Girl [Annie Cresta x Finnick Odair THG Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now