Chapter V

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"Whatever." Jennie could care less anyways plus she's hella tired so she doesn't have time to think about unimportant things and later fell asleep after having a phone call with her boyfriend.

The next day, Jennie decided to get out of bed earlier than usual to prepare breakfast for her family. She missed this, spending time with them and all. Cooking for Kai is nothing compared to cooking for her family, is what she think. Minutes later, she heard footsteps coming from the living room.

"Hey, good morning." Lisa greets with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"Oh, hey." Jennie greets back and the flowers caught her attention. "Is it your anniversary today?" she asked.

" I just do this often." Lisa replied.

"Really? That's very sweet of you. Well, she's still asleep." Jennie told her sister's fiancé.

"I'll go wake her up, thanks." the tall girl immediately went upstairs and knocked as gently as she could onto Jisoo's bedroom door. Jisoo values sleeping so much. She would punch you in the face if necessary when disturbed. Lisa knows.

"Gosh, it's a good thing that I love you." Lisa murmured, still not getting an answer from her fiancé so she decided to knock again.

"Use the keys downstairs!" she yelled. Lisa scratched her head.

"Love, come on, it's me." Lisa finally revealed herself. She knows it's the only way to make her get up from bed and it always works!

Jisoo immediately opens the door and there she sees Lisa hiding her face behind the bouquet of flowers who later peeked. Jisoo could only smile at Lisa's sillyness then proceeded to embrace her.

"Are you planning to build a garden inside my room?" she asked.

"Hmm, depends. Good morning, love." Lisa kissed her head as a love language.

"Thank you, Lali." Jisoo told her as she took the flowers.

"Oh, your sister's already downstairs, cooking."

"It's only 6 AM, why do you wake up so early?" Jisoo asked and went downstairs with Lisa.

"You missed the kitchen, didn't you?" Jisoo spotted her sister.

"Yeah but how did you feel waking up with flowers to receive?" Jennie went to question her unnie back.

"Of course, she loves it." Lisa said and turns to wink on her fiancé.

"So cocky." Jisoo rolled her eyes, smiling like an idiot.

"Did you cook kimchi fried rice?" Jisoo asked her sister.

"It's your personal favorite. How can I not?" Jennie chuckled.

"Lali, didn't I told you she cooks the best kimchi fried rice?"

"No, but I probably would try it." Lisa answered. "I love dad's version, though."

"It's ironic how her dad is one of the best chefs yet she can't even cook a simple fried egg properly." Jisoo told Jennie then laughed.

"Yah, stop judging my cooking skills." Lisa defended herself.

"Do you guys want pancakes, too?" Jennie questioned but still busy cooking other dish.

"I'll cook the pancakes." Jisoo said and Jennie agreed.

"Love, I forgot to tell you I forgot my hoodie in my room. Did you keep it?" Lisa asked.

"No, I didn't notice. Go get it." she told her and Lisa went to her room. She was surprised to know that Jennie will be staying in her room. She thought the sisters would share a room together.

"Why didn't she tell me her sister would use my room? God, what if she had seen my underwear?" she spoke, obviously panicking.

She stopped thinking about it for a moment and went again downstairs. She went beside her fiancé and whispered in her ear.

"Love, why didn't you tell me she was gonna stay in my room? My underwear and everything were there. What if she had seen it?" Lisa questioned which made Jisoo widen her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you're right. Whatever, she doesn't have to know." Jisoo told her. "Have you found your hoodie?" Lisa nods. Jennie could only look at the two but minding her own business.

"Can I help with something?" Lisa asks them. She cannot bear to just sit and watch them cook.

"You're in charge of food tasting." Jennie suggests.

"But that does not require moving." Lisa demanded.

"Exactly. Now, take a bite of this." Jisoo said and let her taste the first pancake she had done cooking.

"It tastes good but it's too thin. Make it thicker." she told Jisoo.

"Taste the soup." Jennie called out. Lisa grabbed a spoonful of seaweed soup to taste and judge Jennie's cooking.

"This tastes good! I love it." she told Jennie.

"But that's not fair! I only cook pancakes while she cook dishes. Of course, it'll taste great." Jisoo demanded.

"The plan is I'll cook for you but here you are." Jennie told her sister who pouted her lips.

"I love your pancakes, though." Lisa praised her fiancé's skill.

After preparing for breakfast, the sisters decided to wake their family members up to gather on the dining table.

"You left Jisoo in charge when you left for Paris." their mom said.

"Yay, pancakes!!" Ella squealed in happiness. They all had a great time eating together but Lisa said she have something to take care of so she left after having breakfast with her fiancé's family.

"They're gonna be so happy." Lisa muttered before driving off.

She has something to take care of, she said. She's planning to take Jisoo's family with her to Disney World in
Orlando Florida. Mr. Manoban took care of it so everything is settled.

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