Chapter XLIV

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         I woke up the next day and sees Lisa beside me, napping while Jennie and Eomma chats on the corner.

"Lisa.." I called her name and she looked up to me.

"Love.." she hugs me tight. I suddenly feel like crying again.

"Where were you yesterday?" my voice cracked but I didn't care.

"I'm sorry.." is the only thing I heard from her.

"I needed you yesterday. Where were you?" I start to cry again.

"I'm sorry, my feelings took over me. I was mad. I didn't know what to do, love. I'm so sorry.." she hugs me still. I cried onto her shoulder.

"Yejin is gone and it's because of me.." I blamed myself again because it's true. I'm the one to blame.

"No, love please, don't blame yourself. It's all on that guy. It's all on him." there's a hint of anger in her voice and I'm afraid Lisa might do something to Eunwoo oppa. He's not the one to blame, I am.

"No, Lali. Oppa is not involved in this. It's all mine." I tried to calm her down by caressing her face.

"Lisa, you almost beat him to death, isn't that enough?" Jennie asks.

"Because he deserve it!" Lisa yelled at us. "If he didn't bother taking Jisoo out, nothing would have happened. My daughter wouldn't die if it wasn't for him!"

"Dear, please calm down." Eomma had the urge to calm Lisa down. "Even if you beat him to death, Yejin won't be coming back. Please, Lisa, calm yourself for a while."

She's fuming in anger, I can see it in her eyes.

I got weaker when I've seen tears streaming down her face.

"It's not just a thing. Our baby is gone in just a snap. My Yejin is not just a thing..she can't be replaced." she says. My heart is an emotional wreck. We've been waiting for this moment; to have a beautiful family but our first child just died.


         Jisoo have been discharged from the hospital after a day and despite everything, Lisa made sure to comfort her wife the best way she know how.

Things are getting pretty hard and challenging for Lisa but she chose to be in that situation. She chose to suffer.

How can she love two persons at the same time? 

How dare she love her wife's sister?

These are the kind of questions people wants to be answered.

They started going on dates again, doing the things they've been doing before they got married, everything just to make Jisoo feel okay. At the end of the day, Jisoo is still saddened with the loss of their baby and Lisa knows she has to be there for her.

Lisa never stopped trying. Just like how every partner should be.

She barely had time for Jennie because she wants to make it up to her wife after everything that had happen.

[About two weeks later]

         Jennie tells Lisa to visit her because she misses her and that she has something very important to say.

Being the loveable cheater Lisa is, of course she went to Jennie's.

Lisa knocked on her door and lifts Jennie up once she opened it.

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